I really hate my cycles!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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My cycles have been going haywire (no reason why, I've been off the pill for two and a half years), but I've been averaging at 32 days the last few months.
I've had the unfortunate circumstances of having a miscarriage last cycle and suspected chemical the month before, so not sure if that's going to have affected this month.

So, although this is our 4th month of trying, I've only had one real period. I have, however, always appeared to ovulate on the same day roughly, which is quite late in my cycle but still allows for a 14 day luteal phase.

I didn't start using opks til last month, when I tracked every day from CD10 to CD20. I ovd on CD18 after a late night +opk the night before and ov pains in the evening.

I know my symptoms fairly well cycle wise, I do get ov pains although I didn't know for definite this was what it was til last month, and obviously ewcm as well.

Basically where this is all going is, I started getting ewcm yesterday, CD12. Wtf?!! I've never had it this early in the cycle and I certainly don't think I've ever ovd this early. Maybe when I had 28 day cycles? I wonder if that means I'll have a short cycle again, and will be oving tomorrow?

Anyway, just having a rant because just when I think I've got the hang of it (I wasn't going to use opks this month because I POAS obsessively last month) it goes and changes again.

Oh well, will just have to :bd: tonight for definite, been a bit busy cos we're moving house but I will make sure I jump him later on :)
Hi, i know how you feel since MC #2 my cycles have been all over the place, i think its just our bodies getting back to normal and it may take a little time. Hang in there, hope you get a sticky BFP soon xxx
Hey Hun maybe the mc last cycle has knocked ur cycles back in to order. Have u got any opk's u can use to check if ur ov'ing? Xx

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