i hate morning sickness!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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Uggghhhh after 7 weeks of it i am getting sick of it!!!nothing helps, it has got so bad that i was ment to be admitted to hospital with bad dehydration but have slowly got back to normal on my own, i have even put on anti-sickness tablets and still managed to vomit everywhere :( sorry for this rant but its starting to do my nut in im newly engaged and cant even go out and celebrate, i had a lovely day yesterday managed to eat 2 meals plus snacks (first time in 3 weeks) then woke up today and cant even stand up without nearly vommiting... If this doesnt go soon i think im going to sit in a corner and actually cry like a child, i know my baby is worth all this sickness but it cant be good for bubba bean at all...i appologise for my rant i just needed to let it out xx
Ohhh hun that must be horrible ive had a few really bad sick days where the toilet has been my home but doesnt sound as bad as yours and even ive been feeling sorry for myself lol! Ive heard that lemonade is good for sickness but not too sure if that will help im sure youve already tried everything! Just gotta stick it out i spose and hope TRI 2 will be better xxxx
I welcomed morning sickness as I didn't have it before when I miscarried but today is the first morning I actually wished it away! I thought it eased as time went on but today was the worst :( I'm so feeling sorry for myself lol xxxx

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I was starting to get worried but have had some this week, well I'm assuming it's that. Haven't actually been sick just feel really queasy.

Hope you feel better soon and the morning sickness stops for you!
Rb1, that's what mine was like at the start but it slowly got worse! Some lucky ladies don't get sickness at all xxxx

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Rb1, that's what mine was like at the start but it slowly got worse! Some lucky ladies don't get sickness at all xxxx

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Eek hope mine doesn't get too bad!
hope your sickness goes away soon its not a nice thing at all. Mines has been with me since around the beginning of January but its not actual being sick its feeling like I want to be sick which I think is worse and I have made myself sick a couple of times just to make myself feel better

Im hoping mine goes after 12 weeks and I can get back to my usual self xx
Hi don't worry about your baby they take what they need from you regardless so its only really you that suffers!! I had hyperemisis when I was pregnant it lasted from 6 weeks to about 23 weeks then came back again for a week or two in third tri :'-( I was on anti sickness tablets but all they did was make me sick less rather than stop it so instead of being sick 30 times a day it was only 10! I was also hospitalised and put on a drip for dehydration. However when my baby was born he was perfect and doesn't appear to have been affected one bit!!!!
Unfortunately there is no cure for bad morning sickness its something some of us just have to battle through, some days will be better than others and there will come a time when you wake up and feel great, so keep forcing water and food down, resting in bed when you can and there is light at the end of the tunnel!!! I thought I was dying and couldn't do it for one more day but I survived, and looking at my baby asleep on me now it just seems like a distant memory and he's worth every second of those nightmare weeks, so in your darkest days cling onto the thought of your baby at the end of it xxxx
Thanks everyone sickness is not as bad today managed 4 peices of toast, never appreciated food until i got pregnant lol thanks babykin that makes me feel better knowing that when bubba arrives this sickness will be a distant memory, was there anything at all that made you feel slightly better because i cant find anything lol xx

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