I hate breastfeeding :-(

Ive been trying to do that, also been block feeding. But its hard to tell a baby to wait a minute while you express the first of it! lol
For sicky colicy babies doctors can prescribe the comfort milk will save some money and also get support for the switch over if you feel you need to change her x x

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I gave up bfing after 3 weeks and feel like me and zak have now bonded better because of it. we both had thrush which went undiagnosed 4 about 2 weeks because no1 came to see us which meant we were both in agony but didn't no y which meant via zak would take ages to feed and be really fussy and scream constantly. so i gave up and put him 6on
My stupid phone sent that post half finished. anyway me and zak r much happier now we have bonded better and i can honestly say that breastfeeding was making me so low that i probably would have ended up with pnd if i hadn't stopped and i no that mite sound stupid but its how i feel and just wanted to let other girls no that the most important thing is that both you and baby r happy x x
I know exactly what you mean Chloe had thrush in her mouth it was sooo painful I had to bottle feed her and express for a week without bf her and then I put her back on and we were good after then but omg I was so low at that time. Happy bf worke out in the end tho as she is my last :) x
Well, I took the advice and bought the medela swing breast pump, and it has honestly been absolutely AMAZING! It's bought my supply up soooooo much and I can now get 6oz in ten minutes at pretty much any time of the day. I now exclusively express feed and it's the best ever, I know she is still getting the best milk possible, and we both enjoy the experience of feeding now. It doesn't take much longer either as I can express so quickly, and she eats a lot quicker from a bottle. It also makes cluster feeding in the evening a dream, I don't have to constantly have my top up and down, and eva on and off my boob, switching sides etc, it's fab! Thanks soooooo much everyone! And also a MASSIVE thanks to everyone for sharing experiences, I honestly felt like the worst mother in the world because I didn't enjoy it, I thought I was mad and the only person in the world that didn't love it, it's sooo good to know i'm not alone :) xxx
Aww I'm so glad you've found a solution and things are going well :)
I know how you feel I find that sometimes its easier and more reassuring to give alex a bottle as he screams sometimes as he hasnt had enough I do both as pure ff for alex make him constipated and I really dont want that so he has a bottle at night and either bf or express for his other feeds. Dont do it if you dont enjoy it hun x I use aptamil and sma and he takes both x

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