i had my baby boy Aiden at last not as planned though


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2010
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hes here at exacly 42 weeks went in to get induced on fri nothing happend woke up to a popping sound sat morning stood up water went every where discoverd my little boy had had his 1st poo not good news got taken over to labour ward and told he was way to high in my pelvis so i had to go on a drip to speed him up and no chance of an epidural as no one avalible to do it so 5 hours later in agony my little one goes into distress and they lose his heartbeat i was so scared so after changing my postion they found him thank god another 5 hours later it happen again my midwife looked into my face and said you have to push like your life depends on it so i did and 7 mins later my little boy was there he was blue so rushed away for what felt like forever but thank god hes fine we are both home now doing fine apart from i wanted to breast feed and cos of his distressfull birth he wouldnt take to it so im gutted bout that but im just glad we had a happy outcome so thanks for all your support through my pregnancy ladies and good luck with all your bundles of joy
congratulations hun, sounds like a right ordeal! so glad your both ok though! best wishes for the future to you and your little man :hugs: x
Congratulations Hun xx
Congratulations and well done!!! Glad you are both doing well now xx
Sounds like you had a genuinely rough time but glad it has a happy ending! Congrats on the birth of your wee man xx
Good grief! That must of been one of the scariest times of your life, and poor little man! You've done really well, congratualtions to all of you, and try not to worry about Not being able to breast feed - it can't be helped xx
Geez that must have been such a scary experience for you! But absolutely well done! Glad to hear that you and your DS are fine. I wouldn't even worry about the breastfeeding hunni. You got your little man here safe and sound, and that's all that matters ;) x
Congrats!! Sounds like you had a rough time but all worked out in the end thankfully!!

Dont worry about not BF hun ur little bundle is here safe and sound, i wasnt able to BF either and it did get me down unfortunately, and my first also came out blue and struggled at first.. its very scary..

well done!! :cheer:
Congratulationsss!!! You did very well, i'd be screamin my head off lol. Glad u and baby okay.. good luck for future xx

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