I had a nice converstation today


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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I'm used to having to defend my babywearing to well pretty much everyone so i was quite taken aback today to get a really nice comment.

I had Thea on my back in a ruck carry while we wandered to the swing park. I was singing away to her as we walked and she was giggling and kissing my shoulders lol. Id noticed a lady on the other side of the road who kept looking over at us but i figure well i must look a bit mad with a baby on back singing away in English. We had almost got to the park when the lady crossed the road to talk to me. I steeled myself to say sorry i my Hungarian is really bad but she said oh i heard you singing in English so i knew i could talk to you because i dont speak a word of Hungarian myself. She had a chat with Thea and then said to me, "oh its so nice to see people actually carrying and interacting with their children, you little girl seems so happy up there looking at the world". Then she asked me where she could buy a wrap and where would she go to learn how to use one because her daughter is having a baby and she thinks babywearing would suit her lifestyle well. She even laughed and said she quite liked the idea of becoming a babywearing grandma

We talked about different carriers for ages and then she came to the park with us so she could watch me take Thea off my back and then wrap her again.

It was so nice to talk to someone who was genuinely interested in the reasons behind wearing your baby. I wrote down some websites for her and told her that if she is out for a walk at about the same time everyday she will most likely see us in a variety of carries and she is always welcome to come and ask about whatever we are wearing that day. She asked me if I could wear a MT on Monday because she liked the sound of those lol.

She was such a nice lady and i felt really uplifted and happy after our chat :)
Aw, that's lovely! I love how people can touch your day like that and cheer you up. :hug:

And I bet she went away happy and full of things to talk to her daughter about too :D
makes a nice change for u doesnt it lol!! :lol:

glad uv recruited more ppl to the babywearing club lol, more happy babies!! :D
i can't understand why you have to defend your ''baby wearing'' melanie :think:
is it a new thing or something coz i have always carried mine in a carrier and my eldest is 10. I see loads of people doing it :think:

is it hugarian people that think its odd or what?
awww thats great to see . nice when someone wants to know rather than judge.
budge said:
i can't understand why you have to defend your ''baby wearing'' melanie :think:
is it a new thing or something coz i have always carried mine in a carrier and my eldest is 10. I see loads of people doing it :think:

is it hugarian people that think its odd or what?

I think its got more to do with the types of carriers i use to be honest, because they aren't mainstream things you can buy in mothercare people dont recognise them like they would a Bjorn. The fact that i carry Thea on my back in wraps that are essentially just a piece of cloth seems to appall some people and not just here, i had not so pleasant comments at home too. Its as though people think im putting Thea in danger.
well she looks lovely and secure in it to me melanie :hug:
Melanie said:
budge said:
i can't understand why you have to defend your ''baby wearing'' melanie :think:
is it a new thing or something coz i have always carried mine in a carrier and my eldest is 10. I see loads of people doing it :think:

is it hugarian people that think its odd or what?

I think its got more to do with the types of carriers i use to be honest, because they aren't mainstream things you can buy in mothercare people dont recognise them like they would a Bjorn. The fact that i carry Thea on my back in wraps that are essentially just a piece of cloth seems to appall some people and not just here, i had not so pleasant comments at home too. Its as though people think im putting Thea in danger.

I get that in the area I live, people look at me like im some sort of freak and they have never seen anyone wear ther baby? :|

I just walk with my head high and proud :D

I do love it also when people say nice things about it as Oli seems much more confident and happy when shes in it :)
ive seen it loads where i live. :think: its not unusual. how odd that you have had such negative comments and looks.
budge said:
ive seen it loads where i live. :think: its not unusual. how odd that you have had such negative comments and looks.

I know it is strange, I havnt seen anyone tho wear one in my area at all, its all plastic buggys with women who have fags hanging out of their mouth :roll: :x makes me sick :puke:

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