i had a funny turn today


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2008
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i was round my neighbours looking at her lovely newborn daughter wen i suddenly felt really strange like every1 was talking but thy was sooo far away and i cudnt hear them i cudnt see them properly .
i had to strip felt like i needed to take all my clothes off there and then the sweat was pooring off me which has never happened i had the most sharpest pain through my hed if i ditn sit dwn i wudda fell dwn
well i rang my epu and thy sed to take paracetomel and lay dwn and if it happened agen to ring bk
well i went bk round home and it happend agen bout 20 mins later soo i rang them bk thy told me to take more paracetomel and to rest up....MORE!!!!
well i rang my midwife 4 peace of mind and she sed y did thy tell u to take paracetomel in the first place
and she jst sed tht in tri2 ur blood pressure drops and as long as im not actually blacking out this can b normal and my irons is normal..any 1 else had this ??

sorry 4 going on x
I've not had that, I've had a few dizzy spells. Sounds horrible :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww hun that doesn't sound very nice, hope you're feeling OK now?? :hug:

I've had this on and off a few times, but it hasn't been too bad. It's more like I've just come over very dizzy all of a sudden and it kinda feels like everything is fading into the background ifywim? I usually just sit down and take some deep breaths and have a cold glass of water, it soon passes. My iron levels were normal the last time I had my blood tested, so I also assumed it was a change in blood pressure. Just take things easy!
yehh really really scary im scared now thinking bout getting anutha 1:( x
ohh hun it's quite common :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: take it easy don't over exsert yourself :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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