i got a really bad pain today


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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its like someone is stabbing me in my back on the left hand side at bottom and sometimes shoots round the front i took two paracetamol 500mg and they not taken the pain away :(
any way you can go to an EPU or anthing? I dunno what to suggest really apart from taking it easy. do you have a midwife yet who you could call?
I have that sometimes. Some days i will have that pain and the next day it will go and then come back again. Try get in a nice bath i worked for me. Well the pain eased while i was in the bath but came back again when got out but was nice to just not have the pain for ten minutes or so xxx
i would phone her but she prob think am being silly it is a bit like the pain i get before i come on me period so might be just normal? i got my scan on the 18th so i got my fingers crossed x
i think alot of pains and aches we will get now will be stretching and ligament pain..hopefully thats what you are getting! hope it eases soon x
its gone now i think i might just pulled something while hoovering this morning x
I had some pain a few weeks ago and was sent to epu to make sure all was ok which it was. Midwife did say though that if the pain got worse or if it got sore enough to take my breath away to call her straight away. If it is really sore I would call them just to be on the safe side! Xo

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