i got a letter


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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this morning for madison to have a US hips scan????

does anyone know what it is????
I think its a scan to check that the hip doesnt come out of the socket (or soemthing like that) I know with full term babies they do a test for this when they are born and at the 6 week check by pulling on the leg to see if it clicks (its horrible!) I think becuase Maddison is so early they will do a scan instead as she is so fragile they probably donnot want to go yanking her little legs! If I remember rightly I think Sami had to take Damien for a scan like this ???
Ultrasound hip scan hunnie, they use ultrasound to look at her hips and see if she has dislocated hips. It can be quite normal for a baby to have the scan these days, especially for those born a little earlier, etc, or congenital problems run in the family. Damien hasd the scan, it doesn't hurt then at all. It's is quite odd to see their pelvis on a scan! They are looking for bubbles in the joints I think? Not quite sure now, was a long time ago. My next baby will have one aswell. They are normally performed at 4-8 weeks old.

If dislocated hips are found, it is very easy to treat when they are that young. I had it as a kid and it wasn't diagnosed till i was 6 or 7 months when one of my legs was longer than the other. I ended up in a cast till I was 18 months. But that's pretty rare these days to happen. If they have the scan there is no need to worry that they will develop CDH (Congenital Dislocation of the Hips) later on.

Does that help? When is she to have it?
Lauz_1601 said:
I think becuase Maddison is so early they will do a scan instead as she is so fragile they probably donnot want to go yanking her little legs! If I remember rightly I think Sami had to take Damien for a scan like this ???

Haha, they still yanked poor old Damien's legs :lol: Not that he cared at all, didn't even bat an eyelid! Poor bugger was too ill when they did it.
its horrible isnt it, Ella screamed and wanted to cry!

how come they do a scan on early babies aswell as the hip click test ?
thats for your replies i was really worried :(

madis is on the 17th nov
I was born with a clicky hip! And was in a splint for the first few months of my life-now I am double jointed and can click my hip in and out! :shock:

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