I finally told my bf


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
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I finally told him. I managed to keep it from him for 5 days

He had noticed I was sad so he's been asking all week and I was coming up with excuses to throw him off and not stress him any more. So last night after the show, we were cuddling and he asked me to please tell him what's wrong. it went like this:

-i'm pregnant
-.. sure?
- yes
- .... sure?!
- yes
- Really? Are you sure?
- yeeeees!
- that's great!


I said what? he said that's great, he is very happy with the news :D He was kinda hoping I'd be as he wants kids very much. I knew that but i thought he'd want them a little later not now, we've been together less than 2 months and no matter how fast it's been going, it still is only 2 months

Well I was rational, told him we've known each other for so little and he knows and is also scared like I am. But he wants it. I asked if things don't work out, will he be there for me emotionally and financially, he said of course. I asked him to take time and think it over, I want him to be sure. He said he is, he has nothing to think about

So we discussed a bit last night and again this morning, he again said he's very positive about this and has no doubts. Assuming it goes well we talked about what we'd do in terms of moving in- not now, later on, my lease is still on. I suggested we see my therapist together to try and work on things we might have difficulty with later, because we don't know each other well. He liked the idea so we might give it a shot :)

I'm SO relieved he was happy and not mad or neutral. There's still my family issue, how to tell them. I'll definitely wait a bit longer before I say anything (see also how pregnancy goes). I've said a million times but I'm scared sh*tless about telling them. I read your comments that they'll come around but I'm still scared, they're going to be so shocked. And if things don't work out with bf and me, they might turn around and say 'we told you so'

Rambling, sorry. I'm determined to take some steps to make an unfavorable situation a little better for us and the LO.

Thank you for your support in my other thread. I'm not 100% sure yet but I'm definitely feeling more positive now that I'm keeping the baby

And the bleeding/ brown spotting stopped :cheer:

That is fantastic news!! :cheer: :hug:

I'm so damn happy for you Andrianne. Pleeeeeease don't fret too much about your parents, at the end of the day, is bringing a new life into the world really such a bad thing?!

I bet they shock you and support you! They love you... That's all that matters.

Anyway, let us know when you tell your parents - whatever their reaction, you've always got us to fall back on for support - and now your boyfriend too!! :cheer:

Like I said in my PM, I wasn't with my bf for very long, but whether you've been with him 2 months, 2 years or 2 decades, there is NEVER a guarantee that it will work out between you.


thats great news hunni. i was the same when i first found out with my DD. i was scared to tell parents or OH, but i was really shocked how happy they all were. i thought my parents would be mad as i was in my final year at uni and had to drop out for baby. but they said a baby is a special thing and uni can always be done later in life :shock: so not like my dad but he was brill.

good luck hunni, its a wonderful thing having a baby! :hug:
I wasnt with my oh very long eithr hun when I got pregnant and here we are nearly 5 years on and we have two of them now!

I bet your parents are thrilled, just tell them :D
That's wonderful he is so happy about this and looking forward to it :) Makes it all the better.

With regards to your family, as worried as you may be, when you feel ready, tell them. At the end of the day, if you choose to have this baby, with your partner or not, it is your life, your body and your choice. You cannot live in fear of how they might react everytime you reach a difficult or emotional decision in your life.

While they may be shocked or surprised, I am sure they will be happy for you if its what you want. And if you are able to have such great support from your partner also, thats another plus :)
Congratulations :cheer: I'm glad your BF was pleased and so pleased your spotting has stopped :D
Thanks ladies. Overall I feel happy and sometimes I allow myself to think my parents will be OK with this

I'll tell them when I'm ready. I'm so hoping they will visit me here so that I can tell them in person

Last night I told him I'm not 100% sure and he was really sad :( He really wants this baby. I guess I couldn't have had a better reaction, I should consider myself lucky he's going to be there for me


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