I Feel Yuk!


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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Sorry for the negative post, but I feel really yuk :( Today I keep feeling sick on and off and as for the piles, OMG, last night I was almost in tears on and off they were so painful!

I have just been to the loo and noticed that I have lost a little more plug, I just want a huge big blob and gush (sorry TMI!) and have him here now!
awwww :hug: it'll soon be over, happy 39 weeks today! :dance:
:hug: you really dont have that much longer to go. can you do something which will keep your mind occupied?

Have you been given anything for the piles?

aw babe :hug: :hug: :hug:

For the piles, when your sitting down try and arrange either a rolled up towel or cushions/pillows so that they support the weight of your bottom but your actual bum bit is not sitting on anyhting...like sitting on a rubber ring.

Im too awake to sleep for my nightshift so i'll be about till 6ish :hug: :hug: :hug:
awwww Kazlin :hug: It will be all over soon, hang in there :hug:
Thanks girls :hug: I'm using Anasol cream which doesn't seem to be giving much relief at the moment.

Thanks for the hugs everyone :hug:

Thanks fot the tips ggg, will def chat when I'm feeling up to it (did you get the envelope in the post yet?) just chilling in bed with laptop at the mo.

Lou, I'm surprised you can't hear me winging from where you live :lol:
ah hun :hug:
sorry you feel yuck how are you feeling now
i hope your feeling better :pray: :hug: :hug:
sarah :hug:
aww sorry you were feeling yuk hun :hug: :hug:

hope you're a bit beter now xx

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