I feel ***t!


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
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I cant believe how truly crap i feel, and i still have 7 weeks to go. Since Friday I have felt sick, dizzy, hot, cold, sweaty, havent slept a lot until last night and have the worst piles (tmi) sorry ever. They are so painful and huge. Anyone else feeling like this or am i just being a total and complete moan. If so please feel free to give me a slap and tell me to pull myself together!!
oh no I know how terrible it is, u got all right to complain, I have been sick for weeks now and Im completly exhausted. Hope u get alot of rest and someone is looking after u xxx
just try to rest think we are all feeling a bit battered now :( xxxx
I feel crap too !!! got leaky boobs hot all the time and now have gastric reflux which gavison not helping with !! also have a varicose vein on my lala !!! i'll come moan with u !! have decided to do much today till i have to pick up my eldest from school hubby is going to get my 2 yr old from nursery while i take eldest to swimming and has said its a take away night so dont have to cook !!! just have to keep thinking its not long now !!!! xxxx
Thanks girls, i am so glad i am not the only one. I dont remember it being this hard the last time. I am just pottering about the house today lewisca, i really dont feel like doing anything. I see you are from Coventry are you having your baby at UHCW?
Hi yer had my other 2 there too. Just seen how close u r to me !! where r u having your lo ? xxx
Yeah at uhcw but i am from scotland so dont know what it's like really. All my appointments have been in rugby but have a growth scan on tuesday there so i'll get to see what it's like. What do you think of it?
i have consultant and growth scan on mon !!! I work there too as a nurse. I can honestly say i cant fault the staff on labour ward they r fantastic when i had my second the staff on the ward seemed over stretched but was glad i could b left to do things my way !! if they pulled my planned induction away from me i may not like them though !!!! still dont think i would go anywhere else though. xxx
Thats good to know, I am a nurse too at George Eliot!! Good luck with your scan on Monday then, your lucky being induced at 38 weeks wish i only had 5 weeks to go.
what a small world !!!! hope your scan goes well. the induction is due to spd so am still worried they may change their mind hoping to pin them down to a date on mon !! xx
u just feel so guilty to for feeling crap !!! should b enjoying this last bit and i cant wait for it to b over !!!! xxx
I'm hoping i am just having a bad week and i'll start to feel better again for a few weeks, wishful thinking maybe. I just have no energy at all, going out the house is a chore even just to get my son from school. I really dont want to wish the pregnancy away but i am praying this wee man makes an early appearance now. It helps to moan on here though think my dh has just about had enough of my constant moaning!
I have piles too, have had them on and off for years since having my first baby and I just know they will be hell after the birth :( finding it really hard to breath and the sharp shooting pains up through me, OMG they just hurt so much and my back feels like it's gonna snap in half :wall2:
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Think my oh has had enough of me moaning too !! I struggle with the school run too . Would probably feel better if I could sleep better !! Don't want to wish it away either but glad this is my last pregnancy !! Xxx
Chrissie, I feel your pain, i never knew how painful they could be, but I am in tears with the pains at the moment. I am so worried about giving birth with them. I have been putting cream on for a couple of days now and even used the suppositories but nothing is working.
Yeah they are a nightmare, an ice pack can help numb them for a while and a warm bath, I've had mine operated on b4 but the bloody things always came back :wall2:
Scheriproct Ointment and suppositories are pretty good and helps with the pain, can only get it from the doctor though.
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Thanks for that Chrissie, if it doesnt get any better tomorrow i will go to docs, and see what they say. I have never suffered like this before. I dont really think there is much that can be done to clear them up before the birth, the pressure i feel when standing or walking is so much that cant be helping at all. I am such a moan right now but feel better for sharing lol. Thanks everyone xx

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