i feel sooo sick - worried


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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god i feel awful! :cry: :cry:

I think ive caught the sickness bug that is going around (and Alice has it as well). Sat night i spent all night being sick, and had the worst case of the runs ever (sorry TMI). Yesterday if i wasn't in bed throwing up, i was running to the loo. It really hurts!! it almost got to the point where i wanted to call my doc out to come and check me over. I kept getting cramp pains across my whole bump, as well as across my back and down my legs. Ive still got the pains today, but they are no where near as bad. they are not 'that' bad if you catch my drift.

plus, alice decided that 4 am was a great time to throw up all over me this morning (she was in bed with us). and she decides that as soon as daddy walks out the door is the best time to fill her nappy with the runniest, stinkiest, greenest poo ive ever seen!! :wall:

the worst thing is my throat and stomach... i can't eat as it hurts, i can't drink as it hurts. every time im sick it hurts. i can't keep anything down again. Ive got a constant pain just under my ribs which is leaving me doubled over. Ive tried taking gaviscon in case it is just bad heartburn / indigestion or something, but its doing bugger all, just hurting.

ive got a docs appointment tomorrow anyway, but im scared to mention it to him as he will try and admit me to hospital again. ive lost count of the amount of times that he has tried.

im wondering if where i have been sick almost every day since about 8 weeks, sat night has irritated an already sore system. can being sick too much cause problems?

i know things like food poisoning can be an issue when pg, does the same apply to bugs? apart from bed rest and trying to keep fluid levels up is there anything else to help?

sorry. feeling a bit sorry for myself & alice.
Babe get your self to a&e your gonna end up very dehydrated and thats not good for you or baby, im here if ya wana chat :hug:
yeah you wanna go see someone asap its not worth risking by leaving it. you and your little one's health is the most important thing and its best someone checks you both over
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

hi sam im so sorry you and alice are feeling so bad,i hope the doctor can help.
im here if you need a chat,pm me or i'll look out for you on msn.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear you're feeling so awful. Def try to keep fluids up but it might be worth thinking about calling out a doc tonight.

hope you feel better soon :hug:

that sounds like a nightmare hun. I'm not sure apart from the obvious "hospital is pants" thing why you wouldn't actually want to go in as you're sounding very rough, are there other reasons? Not being funny, just can't remember, I know there can be reasons! At the very least it would give you a break from being a mum for a few days, especially to a sick little girl. We had this flu before Xmas which brought on asthma, sinusitis and bronchitis and if my parents hadn't have been well enough to take Mel for me for the two days I was feverish and frankly unable to walk (he was ill too) then I don't know what I would have done or how ill I would have ended up as it's impossible not to actively parent when they're there in the same house as you. It's bad enough being ill and caring for a toddler but being this pregnant too just pushes it into another league altogether. Other than that can your OH take time off and you stay in your bed? Honestly hun, so many friends of mine have struggled on being really ill and caring for their kids and you just don't get better as quickly as someone who rests in bed- in the long run it's better you stop for a few days rather than drag it out and risk getting worse.

I do hope you feel better soon
Please look after yourself and that baby!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: If you havent already you need to see or speak to your doctor!!

Heres hoping you are feeling a little better today!!!
Hun id do what some of the other girls say ring the doc or get urself to a&e mayb u need a drip with fluids to help you on ur way you need to take care of urself and if you dont go or ring try to drink sips os water and dont let it be to cold otherwise it will make you worse, hope u feel better soon :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear your feeling like that, :hug: :hug: :hug:

- you really do need to get yourself to the doctors or speak to your midwife ,you need to be replacing the fluids you have lost, there's a lot of nasty bugs going around at the moment. You need to get plenty of rest to recover as well, and keep warm - its bloody freezing today!
sorry for not replying soooner. Ive ended up spending most of the last two days up in hospital anyway (will post why in a different thread).

One MW moaned at me for going in when i said i think i had a bug - they even sent me home for a while till they realised how mad my blood results where and then called me back in.

I feel a bit better now... still sicky, but i can keep food down again.

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