I feel so down


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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Up until yesterday afternoon i thought i was doing well, got home and found myself snapping at OH over something so silly, went and laid down in bed and started crying! i dont even know why!!!

today i have felt the same, really down and i dont want to be here (work!) i have been so busy today and not stopped, my feet are aching and my back is hurting, im starving and have headache!!! i was covering reception at lunchtime and had tears in my eyes, i feel like i want to snap at everyone and scream but cant!!!!

I dont know, but i think everything might have finally got on top of me, OH's mum with her chemo, the fact we have to be out of the house we rent on the 15th August and dont have anywhere else (having to go back to OH's mum's till we find somewhere!), we want to buy but its soo expensive, but then again so is renting so i dont know what we are going to do, i just feel worn and washed out

sorry for the moan girlies :(
ive been feeling the same except ive had OHs mum and OH criticizing me so i feel down cause of that and when im down i snap and become a pretty mean person and me and OH argue loads!

i guess its just hormones but if i say that im just making excuses :roll:
Awwww :hug: :hug: :hug:

I've been feeling pretty crappy too, crying and sad lol :wall: MIL treating me like dirt, in fact all of DH family getting on my nerves. Pregnancy starting to make me scared, feeling a bit disconnected and stuff. Drama bout DH Job, flat and blah blah.

I think i'm getting better now, sometimes things just swallow you up, its best to talk about it. Had a crying match (one-sided) with DH and made me feel much better, got everything out, how I was feeling even tho it was just my emotions talking :cry:

I don't think hormones help darling :hug:
Aww first have these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm sorry your not having a very good day. I know how you are feeling and its like everything is piling on top of you.
Try not to let things get you down, i know its hard as things are a bit tough for you at the min what with Oh's mam and your house.

I had a right awful day yesterday too, seems silly when i think about it now but at the time i just kept bursting into tears.
My best mate promised to meet up with me yesterday (after a few cancellations) and i never heard a word from her, it upset me so much that i kept thinking because i was pregnant no one bothered with me anymore. I also have been trying to arrange a date with my sister to go to cinema and things keep cropping up there too so i'm feeling like a right billy no mates at the min. :(

I know my problems are no where near the same as yours but i understand the whole feeling teary thing and hopefully tomorrow you'll feel a lot brighter. Hormones eh :wink:

i know alot of what im feeling is cause i should be telling my parents and have my mum there for advice and support and i dont, i just feel really alone (even though i have OH and some of the most supportive friends i could ask for) i still feel like i should be telling my mum how bad im feeling but cant. i just want my parents here and theyre not :(
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I've been having some very teary / emotional days too.
It seems a cop-out to blame the hormones - but that must be what it is.
Especially if you have got other big issues to deal with on top of being pregnant
:hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: No wonder your stressed hun, you've got loads to deal with at the moment by the sounds of things & these damn hormones won't be helping :wall: I hope you feel better soon :hug:
Ive been the same but for nothing other than hormones! I come home and just instantly moan at Joe and get mad and angry then cry and go to sleep! Poor Joe I feel so sorry for him! :(

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