i feel so ashamed


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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I'm a mess, still in my pyjama's since this morning, haven't done any housework, didn't go to work cuz i didn't feel like it. i've been on the internet since i woke up, posting on the forum and checking out videos on youtube. OH will be home in an hour and nothing is done. he doesn't expect me to do anything but at least get dressed with my hair done but u should see me, im a total mess...
I don't know what im doing with myself, this pregnancy is making me really lazy. in a way i don't mind cuz i just sit at home and do nothing but that's just plain wrong, ain't it? i feel like a total couch potato, does anybody else feel that way at the moment? :oops: :cry:
Yes hun you sound like me :)

I find it such a chore to get motivated. If I didn't make myself tidy the house in the morning, it wouldn't get done!!!

Unfortunately on school days I can't stay in my pj's all day coz I've got to take little man to school and pick him up, otherwise I would be!!!
I did that every weekend for at least the first three months, and I still do it now occasionally, give your self a break, we all need some quality vegging out time!!!!

Im sat here scoffing watching will and grace in my pjams and I dont care!!

I dont feel too good so its called tough tutts hehe
There's nothing wrong with having days like that, I often did when I was pregnant, wish I could do it now too :lol:
Yes, take the opportunity when you can laetitia85, I doubt our little ones will let us get any rest when they arrive!!!!! :sleep:
thanks girls, its just not 'like me' to be like that. but ur right, im pregnant and i deserve it
evemarie8 said:
Yes, take the opportunity when you can laetitia85, I doubt our little ones will let us get any rest when they arrive!!!!! :sleep:

I hate to say it, but for once Evemarie is right :roll:

It will be go go go! after LO's born, enjoy it while you can xxxx
I really wouldn't worry, you're entitled to a day off. It's very true what the others have said, make the most of doing nothing while you can!
yep yep welcome... enjoythis time off you LO will be here soon LOL :wink:

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