I feel like sh*t!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Honestly, the last 2 days I have felt like I have been dying a slow and painful death with my period pains. I NEVER get period pains but my god, this one is so heavy and sore and I just feel yuk! :(
I have just been drinking boiled water (my mum always did this!), taking paracetamol and of course the hotwater bottle on my belly.

Anyone have any magic tricks to make it go away!! :( PLEASE!!!!!
Emmmmmm get Brian to knock you out with a baseball bat?

I feel your pain, I had cramp for the first time EVER this month (I though having babies was meant to help your reproductive organs!?!?!) and it hit me in the middle of Tesco...I was walking about doubled over looking like I was in labour!

I've heard that magnets can help, I'm sure I saw a little magnet clip thingy that you clip onto your knickers somewhere :think:

Apart from that just pain killers, try Paramol (from behind the counter in the chemist), I *think* it's one of the strongest you can get without prescription!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awwww :hug: :hug: :hug: i used to get mine so bad I'd chuck up everywhere...have a nice hot bath and some warm milk
Definitely baths!!!

And I always found tampons made the pain worse?!?!

Anyway hope you feel better soon :hug:
i feel for you hun :hug: Mine have been horrific since i had Izzie, i was doubled over the other night, nearly in tears. I thought they were supposed to get easier when you had kids? (thats what my mum said anyway...Hmph! :shakehead: ) xxxx
I get them regularly, but doubling over in pain isn't one thing that I've experienced yet. I take ibuprofen for the pain and just lie on the sofa waiting for the pain to subside. I hope you feel better :hug:

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