I feel like moving into the hospital!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2012
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It seems like I fill my days with regular visits to the hospital! annoyingly my MW seems to always be on holiday as she went last week and doesnt come back again until next week I havent had my 38week appointment and i seem to have started to swell like a balloon!

Baby has been quite for about 3 days now, I have been counting the movements and I am getting 10 a day just not her normal acrobats, I just put it down to her getting big and having to be in a small place!

But Ive been getting tummy cramps since yesterday afternoon, they have been continuos but dont seem to be going anywhere, but this morning I felt terrible, full of cold and feeling really sick. was in bed stupidly early last night because I had such a bad headache I could barley talk! and now I went to get up to get a drink and I couldnt put any weight on my feet. I looked down and my toes look like sausages and I'm finding it hard to see my ankles! my feet were up on a foot stool, and my house is really cool so I dont think its heat related! So, I phoned my mum to tell her my feet are swollen and numb and she started 1000 questions, and told me I need to go to the hospital right now. apperantly sudden swelling, tummy pains, feeling unwell and fuzzy vision can be quite serious?

I'm feeling a bit nervous now about what it could be, and today is not a good day for issues, my OH's mum is meant to be coming over for dinner tonight and I've already defrosted the sausages!!!!

Any ideas what it could be? And should I be worried?!

I think they can be signs of preeclampsia, sudden swelling, funny vision,generally feeling unwell best to get checkedxx
Always best to be safe, I've also been in hospital today and they were all lovely xx
Def a sighn I was the same with my son hope all ok x
Hope all goes well at doctors, it is best to be checked out I would say xxx
I agree with nat that it could be a sign of preclampsia! Definitely get checked out. Hope all is well!! Let us know how you get on! Xx
Just left the doctors to be sent to the antenatal unit! Protien in my urine, swollen ankles and a heart beat of 107bpm :( apparently that's really fast, but it feels quite slow to what it has been the last few days :( I keep randomly throbbing all over too, I didn't realise that wasn't normal!! I'm going to feel terrible if something is wrong, I've been ignoring all this for about 2 weeks :( x
Let us no how you get on, try not to panic your getting checked out nowx
Yes hun, sounds like pre-eclampsia symptoms.....important thing is that you are being seen!
I'm sure all is fine but you're just as important as baby Hun, baby is moving and that's a good thing but defo the best for you both to get seen properly, update us when you can, hope all is ok xx
Hope it goes well Hun, let us know how you get on xxx
Hope it all goes well. I was at the hospital 3/4 times a week with Grace I know it's annoying but I'm glad I kept on at them.

Let us know how you get on x

Just got out of the hospital, I feel like I was there for 4 hours for nothing. I was seen by the midwife who said "you've been up a lot" which made me feel terrible instantly, I'm now going to be even more hesitant to go up :( when we were eventually put on the trace babies heart was going from 180-110 which didn't look normal to me but she said its fine. The trace was showing tightenings but she dismissed those too even though I said they hurt :( then I was told the doctor had to review me before I could go home, even though all the other mums had gone in and been 'discharged' by te midwives. So after 2 nearly 3 hours she said go and get something to eat because the doctor was in a c-section and I totally understand it takes priority and I wouldn't expect that not to! Well the doctor came an saw me and his finial decision was "we shall send you for another scan" I asked what for and he said "just to make sure baby is okay and try to establish what's causing your pain and..' His voice just kinda tailed off. I now feel even more concerned than what I did before! Urghhhhhhhhh!!!x
Oh no how awful for u hope the scan gives u some reassurance did they tell u when u have to have scan or do u have to wait for an appointment x
Hun, if you are not happy, you are more than entitled to request a second opinion. You can't take a risk with yours or babbas health. I have to say they sound absolutely useless - if you have protein in your urine, disturbed vision and swelling, they should be taking you a lot more seriously. x
They said I have to call up tomorrow after 9 to get an appointment for one. I just don't know what it's for! I only had one last week, this will be my 6th scan, surely if they haven't found anything of concern in the previous 5 they won't find anything now? I will be nearly 39weeks by the time they get me in for a scan I expect, I may as well wait the extra week and see her for myself!!x
Hun, if you are not happy, you are more than entitled to request a second opinion. You can't take a risk with yours or babbas health. I have to say they sound absolutely useless - if you have protein in your urine, disturbed vision and swelling, they should be taking you a lot more seriously. x

I just really want to see my midwife as not the ones at te hospital :/ I think your own one has a lot more understanding of you rather than someone who has just read your notes in 5 minuyes :( just feeling very frustrated now :( x
If you need a second opinion or are worried about the treatment offered or not offered then contact the supervisor of midwives, they should help. It all sounds a bit shoddy as they've left you worried and that's wrong! If your instinct tells you it's serious make them listen xxxx

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