I feel like i dont know my own godmother!


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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My cousin is my only godmother. She moved to leicester when i was about 8 and iv hardly seen her since. On my 18th birthday she totally ignored my calls and didnt even show up to my party, she never said happy birthday or even left me a message on myspace!

I PM her all the time asking her how she is whats she upto and she doesnt reply, i know shes on because she adds new stuff to her page all the time. Im so upset that shes not making any effort to contact me. She tells my aunty all the time that we dont care about her and never try to contact her when i do!!

Every time i see her she says 'am i your godmum or jo's?' (jo's my sister). Shes always messaging my sister and txting her and buying her things. Its really upsetting, even my mum has said shes angry that she accepted the offer to be my god parent, the person i turn to when i need some one and shes been a total tit!!

How much longer should i hint at this? i was wondering if i should invite her to our house warming when we have it but im thinking why bother? if i do she wont come if i dont she'll say i didnt bother to invite her.

:cry: stupid cow.

Sorry just needed to rant.
I'd leave it if I were you, sounds like you've tried to mantain a relationship and sad as it is she doesn't sound interested. Just concentrate on your real family and friends, people like this aren't worth getting upset over :hug: :hug:

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