I feel like i don't care enough :(

But advice on things such as clamping etc does come from doctors and midwives, they give you the choice :eh:
Yes but im donating the cord blood so to me making a choice to give someone else hopefully something life saving rather than letting the baby have the bit of extra blood that i dont think is that important or it wouldnt be an option the doctors would just do it automatically.
Im soooooo glad to read this thread. I've not really researched anything. I've loved reading other peoples opnions on things on here, and if something really takes my fancy, i'll have a wee nosey round the internet, but i dont feel like i have partcularly strong views on most of it - which kinda shocked me as I've always been pretty opionionated.

But stuff like cord clamping (i also looked at donation - but its not possible in my area) - i kinda think - the medical team are the experts, they should know when is best to clamp it - ive not done this before.

I get really annoyed when i here people spouting off research that they cant back up - the MMR one is a classic example - i know there are some people who will swear that that is what caused their childs autism, and they are entitled to that opinion - but i was at uni studying various types of biology when that paper was published and it was quickly discredited as the methods in that ONE paper were incorrectly applied- yet thousands of parents refused to have their children vaccinated because of it - yes autism is an awful condition ( one ive worked with a lot of sufferes of) - but Measels KILLS!!
Yes but im donating the cord blood so to me making a choice to give someone else hopefully something life saving rather than letting the baby have the bit of extra blood that i dont think is that important or it wouldnt be an option the doctors would just do it automatically.

Fair enough if the evidence people give you is based on wikipedia but the advice of delaying cord clamping comes from the World Health Organisation and they say

"Changing the timing of cord clamping and cutting from immediately after delivery of the baby to 1–3 minutes after delivery of the baby improves the iron status of the infant."

"In preterm infants, delaying cord clamping by 30-120 seconds seems to be associated with less need for blood transfusion and less intraventricular haemorrhage. The beneficial effects of delayed cord clamping may yield the greatest benefits in settings where access to health care is limited."

But you cannot delay cord clamping when you donate - the reason doctors will let you donate is because stell cell research is a huge business - it is not just blood you are donating but your babies stell cells which they could use - and it is not just a small amount of blood it is 25-40% of your babies total blood volume - and it will take them roughly 6 months to make that up again.

Promise this is all I will say but cord clamping is something I feel very strongly about as there are so many companies making money and no long term research has been done on the effects this has on children - by the way cord clamping only became the norm in the late 1960s so it is not that long ago that cords were left alone to transfuse the blood to the baby.
Yes but the stem cells can be used hopefully as an alternative to bone marrow, if i can even put towards a tiny bit to help save some kid who has cancer then i'll do it, babies have had there cords cut for years and there is nothing wrong with them.
I personally dont mind the NHS making money from me, i get free health care so does my baby, so in my eyes if they want to sell the stem cells to a company to reaserch then let them, they helped my auntie live for two years with cancer and took her into a fantastic hospice towards the end that looked after her until she died, they never asked for a penny. You wouldn't get that in a lot of countries. I think people are too harsh on the NHS when honestly i wouldn't know what to do if we had to pay for health care.

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