I feel like I am whingeing everyday...sorry


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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So I've had enough the :witch: is on her way in and now I am peeved, all I want is to be pregnant damn it, why won't this happen, it's leaving me really upset.

every month I get blinkin symptoms that are pg symptoms and it turns out it's the :witch: when I try and talk to hubby about it all I get is Sorry!!!, it's not his blinkin fault or maybe it is I dont know because he won't go and get tested grrrr.

There are so many things that could be stopping us with both me and him and I have just had ENOUGH already.

I am really at the stage now where my heart is breaking every month and I can't talk about it with him because all I get is Sorry!

Sorry to rant again.....all I do is rant, all I wanna do is stop ranting but I have no one else to rant at..:sad:
How long have you been trying for? Are you using opk's etc? It's a bummer isn't it when all you want is a baby :-( x
We have been trying for about 2 years, I use OPK's and still nothing, I'm really sorry I just feel so angry, more at myself than anything else.
Hey hun, this is the place for ranting :) sometimes you just need to get a good rant out.

How long have you been trying? maybe need to just sit hubby down and explain that its easy for him to get tested and at least once you know its nothing wrong with him then you can focus on other things,maybe hes just really worried that the problem is him and he is scared of feeling like hes let you down. You know what men are like, they can never talk about their feelings.

Hope you are ok, your not out till the witch gets you hun. Its very annoying that PG symptoms and witch symptoms are so similar Grrr

after 2 years then i think it only normal to want to go and get tested hun, have you had any tests done yourself?
I have been for bloods but they appeared to be normal, I might go and get them again as they were done about 6 months ago.
men!!! my hubby is the same!! when will they realise its no good saying sorry, they actually have to do something about it!!! good luck hun xxx

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