I Feel Like I’m Going Crazy!


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Jan 31, 2020
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My partner and I inseminater on January 10th and 11th. We received a positive at home pregnancy test on January 23rd. This last Wednesday I had some abdominal cramps on my left side and in my back. By Thursday night the were very bad with the pain radiating down my leg I felt like I should have started my period but I never cramp like that normally. Friday I woke up just sore in my pelvic area and mild pain in my back. I called my doctor and they advised my to go to the ER to rule out an ectopic pregnancy and any other issues. I went to the ER they did a blood panel, internal ultrasound and a urine test. All tests came back clean, my HCG levels were low at 28 but they said it could be because I’m so early on in my pregnancy and that’s also why the ultrasound didn’t detect anything. I woke up today with zero pain but half way through the day I had some brownish spotting. I’ve read up so much that it’s normal but the words miscarriage just keep creeping up on me and I’m driving myself insane. Am I just paranoid? Should I be excised and have nothing to worry about? Help!!!! Thank you all :)
Have you been asked to go back for repeat bloods to see if the levels are rising?
Brown blood is old blood hun or implantation so it could just be that your little bubba is getting comfy in there. X
Yes, unfortunately later today the brown spotting turned into full on bleeding! Definitely mc :( didn’t see this coming at all!
Was going to say 28 is very very low. I hope you can heal quickly and get pregnant again first try when you want to xx
Aww sorry Hun, I know everyone says not to worry about brown blood but my miscarriage started with brown blood too, MC is so common so try not to think there is anything wrong with you and hopefully you’ll have better luck next time x

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