I feel ill/uncomfortable


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2007
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Every evening for the past week or so I just cant get comfy when I settle down to watch tv/come online. Tonight its horrible, I just cant put my finger on whats wrong though, however tonight the bump has gone really hard and stayed really hard even now, about an hour later.Is that BH? SHould it last that long? Ive felt movement today but not a lot as I reckon bubs may have turned. I just feel a bit sicky, like I need the loo...

Sorry this is a sort of 'nothing' post but Im concerned if I feel like this at 26 weeks what am I going to be like in 14 weeks from now? :(
I've been feeling pretty much just as you've described for the past few evenings too, and we're at roughly the same stage, so I am sure it must be normal.

I've started to use my V shaped pillow ALL the time now, but it's a bit bulky to drag to work!
Compared to last time round, my bump is about half the size, but I feel more uncomfortable already!
It's not a nothing post at all. It's not nice when the discomfort starts, but it'll be worth it in the end. :hug:
Thanks for your post, it makes me feel like Im not alone in this suuffering lol

I feel better when I am sitting in a straight backed chair, if I lounge on the sofa this seems to be when my probs start so Im stopping doing that, or at least propping myself up. Ive come online now to try and take my mind off the way Im feeling.
I can't comment on the health issue at all..but hope you feel better. Just that I am learning Chinese and the direct translation for the phrase 'I am unwell' is wo bu shufu which means I am uncomfortable which I thought was apt for your situation. There random cultural useless fact :D
I've yet to get to that stage but I remember it well from last time. Doesnt get any better I'm afraid :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks snuggle :twisted: LOL a great help hehe

I just had some lemonade and a big parp so feeling a bit better :oops:
Think its indigestion :rotfl:
Awww I feel like that in the evenings too. What time are you eatng your dinner in the evening and is it heavy carbs or anything at all? I've realised I can't eat anything too rich or heavy in the evenings now and have to have had dinner by 5:30-6:00 or I'm in agony with a sore tummyall evening and heartburn when I lay down in bed. My tummy's been really tight and uncomfortable last few evenings and my belly button sticks out and goes all hard like baby's pushing right at the front.

I know when you get to a certain stage your womb has grown so much that there's less room for your stomach. your lungs move up higher in your chest and your heart does a 45 degree turn as well, so there's a lot of changes going on in your body.

awww hope you feel better soon. Im with you with the uncomfortableness, little miss seems to be constantly stuck under my ribs at the minute :wall:
I think it could well be connected with eating dinner about 6pm, last night I had jacket potato with cheese and leftover bolognese in it, then some custard with tinned pineapple and banana, i think I overindulged a bit.

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