i feel fat and ugly being pregnant


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Sep 15, 2007
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i feel real guilty but i look at myself and i think i look fat and ugly ..im only 4months along and i have hideous strechmarks and imm big already and i hate the way i ilook ..i look around and all i see are these beautiful shapely ..toned women who look like its all so easy and i feel like i must be the only one ...i guess im always wondering if someone else feels the way i do and what i can do about it .????i love my baby and am looking forward to holding them and loving them becuase they are a precious gift from the Lord and i am so grateful because i know there are those who wish they were having a babay and cant ...but i cant help the way that i feel right now ........................................ :( :cry:
oh hun, you're not fat and ugly...your pregnant :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I feel fat and ugly too, and yes we should be grateful for what we have, as some women would walk over hot coals to have what we have, but it doesn't make the feeling go away...

we went on holiday in July on the Disney cruise ship.... I couldn't go into any of the pools, or spas, or beach excursions, because of the way I felt about myself in a swimsuit. Also I felt horrible because of all the slim beautiful women floating round the ship in their ball gowns and me in my fat frumpy maternity tents... It really interfered with my holiday.

It wasn't helped on Wednesday when a friend of my DD started pointing and laughing at me because my belly was big... my daughter eventually told her there was a baby in there...but how many other people think the same thing... :(

I know it's just hormones that are accentuating the feelings, but the feelings are very real...

The way I get through it is knowing that I only have a few months left before it's all over...

I also keep telling myself that I felt this way before I got pregnant too...just not as bad...so I obviously have issues about my body anyways, and I really need to stop being an idiot.. But it is hard... I can totally sympathise.. Just keep thinking of holding your baby, or planning for the baby...
what i just cant stand is all the pregnant people potrayed in the media are wearing all these hip clothes and high heels till the day they go into hospital and i keep wondering whether i will ever lose the weight ....yes i know i am being unreasonable and very silly because at least my baby is well nourished and all .........

i have to say i have always hated my body ...well actually in the past 2 yrs my weight just went up and up and up ...i think seeing my belly getiing bigger and other bits is making my mind focus on this just being fat instead of there being a baby in there ....

thank you for responding to my post ...i wonder how many women fel the same way
:wave: I felt the same...I have battled with my weight since my teens, and was over weight when I fell PG...I put on 2 stone during pregnancy and I felt frumpy, my belly stayed wobbly so I looked fat not pregnant until around 6 months, and then I looked better. I glowed, and I was so happy and felt relly well and healthy.

I lost around 1.5 stone after she was born, but I still have a way to go, I feel flabby and bloated..I hate having my photo taken with my darling baby, I delete most of them when I see my fat cheeks and lumpy body. The past few weeks I am making a real effort to watch what I eat and drink...I want to have some nice photos of us when she turns 1 in January and our first christmas....

You are defo not alone, but also dont be too hard on yourself, your body is doing a wonderful thing and as long as you keep active and look fter yourself, you will soon be blooming andproud of your baby bump!! :hug: :hug:
I am only a measly 9 weeks preggo, and I feel this way. But I have had a lot of self image problems, all my life, and suffered from a pretty bad eating disorder for around five years. So I guess it isn't odd that I'm troubled by my rapid weight gain. :(

You are not alone, I have been up and down the scale myself. :hug: :hug: :hug:
its normal 2 feel like that. i was the same
when its gone youll miss it!
i dont know about missing it .....i guess im reassured when i think of holding my baby ........................ang given the size of my breasts at the moment ..im reassured that my baby will be well fed..................
i felt like that with my first. it lasted all the way through, i was really down. and i felt worse after the birth. i had well over eaten. but i lernt to deal with it and started listening to people who said i looked great, instead of thinking they were trying to make me feel better.
this time round... even though i am really sick and yucky at the min, i feel lovely in my own little way :lol: .... youl be ok hun.... its all woth it for the gorgeouse baby at the end!! :cheer:
I felt a bit like that in the first few months of pregnancy... especially when no one at work knew and I was trying to hide my growing tummy.

I didn't overeat during pregnancy and put on only 2 stone but was already overweight so was by no means like one of the mums to be in the adverts!

I think at around about the 6 month stage I started to feel really much happier with my bump. Towards the end I wore clothes to show off the bump rather than hide it. I was definitely very proud to be pregnant at that stage.

Give it time, you need to get used to your new shape, and see it more as a positive that you are nurturing your baby healthily. Eat sensibly and there's no reason why you won't lose the weight after you've had your LO.


ps.. I do actually miss my bump too. :doh:
And me I feel minging :(

I've got soooo fat everywhere, i cant be arsed to take care of myself, and all my clothes make me look like a sack of sh*t :)

Oh the joys of pregnancy :roll:

Nine weeks to go :cheer:

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