i feel and LOOK pregnant today


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
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it's really getting me down, the looking pregnant, i wouldn't mind if i actually was pregnant but i'm currently only 5DPO.
i put a dress on this morning that i brought 2weeks ago, and it's SO tight now compared to 2weeks ago. i didn't think much of it until i tried some jeans on and turned to the side and there is a visible little bump. i could pass for around 10weeks pregnant. i couldn't even do my jeans up :(

usually my stomach is dead flat.


it's happened like over night. just like my boobs. like 'poof' :(

i spent the first two hours of my morning feeling so sick i didn't want to move. OH did me some muffins, so ate one. felt really sick still. hour later, starving.. have been eating like a pig all day. been craving a cheese bruger from MCDonalds.. and i hate them usually :( my boobs have been killing, kept knocking them getting my bag on and off my shoulder. got in from shopping and i now just want to sleep, sleep, sleep and sleep some more. i had a nose bleed this morning as well, don't know if that's anything.. to do with anything.. but i never have nose bleeds.

meh. i'm so down today. i feel pregnant, i look pregnant yet i am not.. PREGNANT :cry:
Aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I totally understand about the feeling pregnant - I get so bloated in the 2ww and convince myself I am, only to be disappointed. Your symptoms do sound promising though - don't give up! Hope the next few days pass quickly for you so you can finally get an answer one way or the other, hopefully a BFP!

Wish I could say I knew how you felt with your tummy pics but mine's never been that flat :rotfl:
Some people do get symptoms very early hun and yours sound promising! :pray:
Omg i bet you are! hurry up the next few days so you can test.

First response!!!
mrs_tommo22 said:
Omg i bet you are! hurry up the next few days so you can test.

First response!!!

i hope they go quickly. everythings doing me in at the moment.

i've felt so 'eugh' this month, been quite tearful the past few days too, not just having a cry but like sobbing my heart out.. and today, not being able to do my jeans up was the end of it. i'm trying not to symptom spot because it's still quite early, according to FF i'm only 4DPO (although i've decided i've OV on the 20th according to my temps) it's all so confusing right now :(
wish i had the same symptoms, im at DPO 4 too and feel nothing!!

good luck hun!

good luck i hope it does mean that its your time for your bfp :pray:
oooh, sounds VERY promising! :D

pregnant women dont get an actual pregnant bump until 12 weeks, as before then the uterus is still tucked away in the pelvis. but many pregnant women get bloating very early on. i remember when i was pregnant with my daughter, i wasnt TTC and had absolutely no idea- and i mustve only conceived about a week earlier- i went to a party and was complaining about my tummy sticking out- i was saying i looked pregnant. and i was! in fact looking at your pics thats about how bloated i was at roughly 7DPO looking back!

sounds very hopeful indeed! :dance:
I have the bloat-belly too :( I reckon I could pass for 10 or 12 weeks and I haven't even ovulated yet!!!! :lol:

Try not to worry hon, just wear comfortable clothes and keep your lils well protected from any bumps and bruises!!

Hope it turns out well for you :pray:
Hunni i look at your post and think "this was me afew months ago", I was always always symptom spotting etc, but then one month i forgot, and didnt and didntfeel different and I WAS pregnant.

My advice to you would be to relax, symptom spotting only makes you more disapointed if you get BFN, but hold on, keep positive,you will get that BFP soon.

Take it easy. xxxx
Aww holly hope you are alright, pm me if you need me x

I'm alway symptom spotting like crazy too!
But yours do sound pretty promising!

Heres hoping! :pray:

Lots of babydust!


i fell over last night :( got out the car to walk across the road to my house, put my foot in a hole and went flying 3/4foot into the road; landed on my belly and chin :( got a chunk missing from my hand and and few cramps last night :( i hope i haven't ruined anything..

this morning i went to the loo and nearly puked. to me it smelt really strongly of wee, like you know when people use the loo over night and don't flush the chain because it's too loud. to me it stunk and i was gagging and gagging and rushed out as soon as i could. i asked my mum to go flush the chain for me as i just ran out.. my mum says she can't smell anything :?

i'm trying not to symptom spot like i have other months, but i've not felt so ill other months :( either i will get my BFP or i'm coming down with something just in time to go back to work :evil:
i started feeling sick at 3 weeks pregnant and got BFP's on ebay cheapies from 8dpo so could be something special going on in there hun fingers crossed x
I have my fingers crossed for you! What a fab new year present if you are!!
I was bloated as hell for the first 10 weeks, i'd just have to have a drink in the morning and a balloned, at 11 weeks i suddenly stopped looking pregnant lol, unfortunately by then everyone had already guessed!!

Fingers crossed fora BFP
Good luck for tomorrow Holly :pray:
Lots of baby dust for you xx

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