I feel a terrible mummy!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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I just fed my baby and with 2oz to go he seemed full, did the usual spitting it out! So winded and bum changed and he started screaming, no idea what was wrong, I cuddled, gave dummy, winded somemore and then I put bonjela and teeth and gave him calpol and I drink of water, but they way he sucked on teet thought he might be hungry! Anyway he's just downed nearly 4oz and I've fed him asleep! I just feel awful that I didn't know he wS still hungry!! How could I not know? I feel like I've let him down and I really shouldn't have given him the calpol xx
aww im sure hell be ok he might ov had a pain somewhere b4 he wanted more to eat your not bad for knowing i was like that with amy when we got her home i didnt know when her next feed was or when she was feed last in hospital so when she started crying i assumed it was nappy or she had a pain i never guessed shed be hungry so i give her a bottle and she drank 4 oz then winded her and she still cried and i didnt know what to do i tried everything and it turned out she was still hungry and drank another 4oz somthings can go unnoticed if they seemed full we just assume lol if they spit the bottle out or just take a while to drink it normally there probably hungry after theyve had a big wind dont beat yourself up about it im sure some of the other girls have done the same :)
Your not a terrible mum! I've had charley crying non stop since 12!! I've fed, changed then put him down for a nap. As soon as he woke up he started crying again! I've just given him another bottle just in case and he had 1oz and stopped crying!! It's so hard to know what they want at this age! x x
Thanks you two! Just wanted to know I wasn't alone! Just wish I hadn't given him the calpol (not that it will do any harm) but he obv didn't need it?! It is hard to know what they want! It just threw me, whenever he's full he always spits it out and chews teet!! X
aw your not a bad mummy just a normal mummy with a normal baby!!!! Ellie has days where she cries on and off and I have no idea what is wrong with her (we now know its her hips giving her pain) and other days where she is really quiet, keep up the good work
dont feel bad hun, i sat on LOs foot yesterday- doh! felt soooo bad but he was absolutely fine after 4 seconds, just seems like the worst thing in the world at the time! your LO will be fine, no ones perfect and we cant be mind readers and at the end of the day we are still learning! xxx
aww just noticed our babies are 3 days apart :)
Ditto all the other comments. I have had a crap day and alex has just had his 6th 7oz bottle and screamed for more its hard to know and I gave him calgel too cos he wouldnt settle or be put down must be their age
Twinkle sometimes they don't even know what they want so it's not surprising we sometimes dont! Dont be hard on yourself though, being a mummy is not easy and you did everything you could to help him which makes you a good mum :)
Awww thanks so much ladies! Hadn't wanted to tell family didn't want them to think of done rubbish but u girls are so supportive and it really helps, so big thanks again to all of you! I think sometimes us mums feel like we have to fo everything perfect! Kay we will have to keep in touch and see how they do? X
Defo twinkle, random but my OH wanted LO to be called Aiden :)
Haha and my OH is a Jason donavon fab haha not that I think u called LO after him and my hubby would kill me for announcing that haha xx
Oh to add to the terrible mummy thing I've just pinched a bit of baby's skin in press stud of bib left a little mark and he cried! Feel awful again haha xx
I've just had charley sat up between my legs and forgot he was there. I let go and he went flying head first to the floor!! He's fine though!!
Aw bless him! We should set this off as our baby accident log book xx
Haha I thought that! He was asleep just now and I dropped my phone on his leg. He didn't wake up though! God I do feel like a bad mum now :/
me and amy are always having accidents lol especally now shes walking, i end up standing on her foot or when she push past she trips up lol she goes oh doh lol then she tripped me up and i fell into the door

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