I dread going to bed at night :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Is anyone the same?

I'm so tired and have no problem getting to sleep but it's staying asleep that's the problem. Most nights I wake at around 2:30 and lay wide awake till 4am sometimes.

I get so uncomfortable in bed as my back hurts and conscious of what position I'm laying in. At the moment I keep getting shortness of breath and feel like I need to take a deep breath. This could be due to chip getting bigger now.

Chip doesn't move much in the night, mostly during the day so I kno it's not her keeping me awake.

Anyone else in this position also?
Yup me too :( I've found a pillow under bump and between my legs help. It doesn't stop it but it does help. Xx
When I can't sleep OH gets up with me and we go and watch telly and have tea and toast then go back to sleep :) I know it's not nice but see if he'll get up with you sometimes for company

When I can't sleep OH gets up with me and we go and watch telly and have tea and toast then go back to sleep :) I know it's not nice but see if he'll get up with you sometimes for company

Omg that's so nice of your OH don't think mine would do that thoug especially at the moment, he has man flu!! ;)

I have one of those dreamgeni pillows and it has helped.

I tend to have a nap in the day and that helps too. Just suppose I should get used to it for when little chip arrives ;)
I commiserate. I've not been sleeping for more than 3-4 hours per night for weeks now, and over the last 2 weeks it's become worse than that - 3 hours now counts as a good nights sleep, half the time (including last night and Christmas eve) I sleep only 1-2 hours. Yawn!
When I can't sleep OH gets up with me and we go and watch telly and have tea and toast then go back to sleep :) I know it's not nice but see if he'll get up with you sometimes for company

Omg that's so nice of your OH don't think mine would do that thoug especially at the moment, he has man flu!! ;)

I have one of those dreamgeni pillows and it has helped.

I tend to have a nap in the day and that helps too. Just suppose I should get used to it for when little chip arrives ;)

Can I just say I don't return the favour when he can't sleep lol! He understands I need my sleep tho :) you will get through it tho It only happens to me once a week or so.

Here here!!! I used t look forward t snugglin downin bed n enjoykng a blissful sleep....
My back is soooooo painful...everytime I then...I wake up....mt back makes a HUGE click noise n I have t rearrange my long sausage pillow to rest behind my back t lean back onto n my small on inbetween my legs.
Wat a palava x
I know exactly how you feel. I go to bed normally about 9 or 10 fall asleep fine. But I wake up every hour or hour and a half. Either cos I need a wee or cos I'm uncomfortable. Got checked over yesterday by antenatal as hands, feet and ankles had really swollen and I had thrown up and kept getting white spots in my vision. Even the lady said how tired I looked. Just can't wait for a decent nights sleep...won't be for a while tho! Oh well. Lol.xx
I was gonna post a thread like this but actually managed 3 big chunks of sleep last night including a whole 4 hour stretch. Past 2 nights before I was snatching an hour at a time and I was knackered.
i find it so hard to turn over that it wakes me right up every time i have to move........between my legs and the bottom of my bump are so sore when i go to move....and then i usually need a wee once i have turned...lol

the joys..xx
Ok so as I thought, Im not alone here! Sleep deprivation is torture let alone for a pregnant lady. Sure will feel it the most when I go back to work in January :(

Sweet dreams everyone hope you get some sleep soon x
Yep I now dread going to bed as well :'(. Woke up so many times in the night and I just feel in constant agony with my ribs more than anything?!?!

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