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i dont want to lose my friend but.......


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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i dont likke Going to her house any more coz last time her bf sparked up in the same room as hope was in :x how bad is that, im sorry but i will put my daughters health before anything else.
plus her other rooms are ice cold so hope had to get wrapped up:(
thats a hard situation

i hate going to peoples houses that smoke so i wait for them to come to me and tell them theres no smoking in my place :D
thing is she wont come to my house, lose lose situation:(
yeh we do that smoke free house here and family and friends were really good about it even when we went to there house's they wouldnt smoke in front of the kids.cant u have a word with your friend see what she says ?
i have told her not to smoke infront of her but even she did it at the same time :x
I met a friend in town the other week and she was with another friend who was quite a bitch from first impressions, anyway she sparked up next to me and Jakob, cheeky cow!!! I dont think you are wrong, maybe she should start making an effort and going to your house instead, i cant beileve he smoked in the same room what a twat!
I agree, she shouldnt be smoking infront of your 2month old! If she cant be bothered to come see you then dont bother at all hun! Why should you go visit her, when its you who has the newborn baby who needs to be in a smoke free warm environment! Its easier if your friend comes to you!
If someone came to my house with a baby id NEVER spark up with them there! I didint even like smoking near kids in the street! Id always raise it up in the air if we was walking past a kid! Thats why i dont smoke anymore, coz i never smoked around Jaycee, i only smoked when i went out without her which was VERY rare! So ended up not smoking at all! Handy really!
But if your friend was a good friend you shouldnt even have to say anything to her, she should just KNOW its bad!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
bang out of order, thats awfull how the hell would she feel im sorry but this really annoys me i tried so hard to quit smoking to help my baby be healthy i dont have a problem with smokers my family smoke, my best friend smokes and that is their choice im not going to preach but ALL of them wont go anywhere near Alfie with a cigarette I go round to wanabamums house and she goes outside her OWN home to have a cigarette now that is a friend, fair do's its her house its up to her but if she expects you to sit there because she wont go round to yours well im sorry she isnt a good friend is she, sorry hun im just really passionate about this
i quite understand where you are coming from Littlelady. i won't go anywhere where there is smoke and i do not allow smoking in my house.
Why not arrange to meet your friend in a no smoking place then you can still keep in touch :)
That really annoys me, worse still its a hard situation when your in their house. But at the same time you would think they would know better esp in this day and age.

To be honest once I get pregnant I think I will be in a similar situation as you, My MIL smokes like a chimney, she lets her other nephews etc run about while she smokes cig after cig.

I already told my fiance that when we have a baby, there is no way the child will ever be left with her alone (she is the type of person who would wait until we are gone then spark up with the wee one there) and there is no way ANYONE will get to smoke around my child.

My fiance lived with his mum all the time until 6 months ago, breathing in her smoke etc. He said every morning he use to cough up stuff in his throat after waking, he also had to use is inhaler alot. SInce he moved out not once has he been coughing up stuff in the toilet in the mornings and hes never touched his inhaler.
This girl MUST know its wrong to smoke around baby, surely no-one can be that dumb? Sorry, I know shes a friend, but thats just totally selfish.

We both smoke (cut dwon from 20 to 5 day though!) and we smoke in the house, but when OH's family came to stay with 2 little boys we only smoked in the conservatory with the wondows open. OH's dad was the only other one who smoked and he stuck to this, but he seemed to think ti was ok to have the 2 little boys in there with him while he was smoking, kind of defeated the object!!!
this is probabyly why i don't have a lo of friends but i always make it really clear when keeley's in anyone's house no one smokes..... at the end of the day she's the guest and if they have such a problem with it they will stop inviting you round.....

(now i realize why no1 like me but i don't care as long as keeley's safe) :D :D
I'd have another word, seems a shame to loose a freind why won't she go to yours? If she then won't respect how you care for baby then is she a friend?
My hubby's friends chain smoke and i have refused to go to their flat since prggers and told him our Son isn't sitting in that.

We have never allowed smoking in our house even when we smoked ourselves it makes the house stink for one..
Thats way out of order! I would have just packed up and left.

I had a similar thing when i was back in England with Thea. Richard's mam smokes about 60 a day and i told her before i went over that there was no smoking around my daughter. She didnt listen at all and we had only been in the house ten mins when she sparked up so i just got Thea ready and left. I wouldnt take her back either.
i agree with all you girls.
i am an ex smoker myself (so i am terrible to smokers!!! us ex smokers always are!)

anyway Richards nan lives with his aunt & uncle, but because they chain smoke the Nan has never seen Louie, its a shame coz shes 80 something & too frail to come here & see him, buy coz i know his aunt & uncle would never stop just while i am there with Louie, than they've never even seen him.

they would think i was mad if i ever said anything, so i just don't go round there.
have a word with your friend & just explain the importance of not smoking around babies/children, also mention the link with cot death, this might scare her into realising.
i dont know why she wont come??? i am going to be hoest coz me and my bf smoke but we always go out side, i made that clear to my bf and he respects my wishes. Hope you dont think bad of me for it coz i never do it anywere near hope :)
it's nothing bad coz you make sure your away from hope when you smoke don't worry :hug:
thanks nic, it is a really bad habit i know but i cant help it:( my baby is so prcious to me and that fact my friend did that, even though before i told her to go and do it in th other room and she did. it hurts:(
no1 shud darlin because you are doing so well by your little girl staying away when you light up, its just such a shame other people cant do the same and realise how important it is :hug: :hug:

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