I dont know what to do??????


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2005
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I have breast fed from day one with Ashtyn but about 6 weeks ago I was worried that he wasnt getting enough as he would start crying and writhing about so I started to use formular as a substitute. The thing is hes mainly on that now as he gulps easily 7 oz and I really cant produce that much infact my boobs feel empty most of the time. One part of me really wants to keep breastfeeding but another finds using formular so much easier and I know hes getting enough. Does anyone have any suggestions? And if I do continue breastfeeding how do I get my supply up again?
i was exactly the same hun, i almost gave up for about 3 months but always ended up getting my supply back up only to go back to bottles, she's been just bottle fed for about 3 weeks now and is doing fine.
To get your milk supply up you need to feed or express often, i would do it every 2 hours, after a few days it will be up again, good luck with what you decide :)
infact my boobs feel empty most of the time

I bf exclusively and my breasts feel soft now too - it doesn't mean you don't have any milk. Just that your boobs are adjusting to what's needed.

If you want to get our supply up then you need to cut down gradually on the formula, let him feed for as long as he wants, express and drink plenty of water. You can also try taking fenugreek capsules which you can buy from Holland & Barrett which is supposed to help with milk supply :D
rosieroo said:
infact my boobs feel empty most of the time

I bf exclusively and my breasts feel soft now too - it doesn't mean you don't have any milk. Just that your boobs are adjusting to what's needed.

Same here, it can be hard because you start to think there's not enough there. As long as she seems satisfied after a feed you're fine, make sure you drink plenty of water too :)

Brody has about 2-4 oz of formula in the evening, he has tons of wet nappied though so I know he's getting enough milk from me.
rosieroo said:
infact my boobs feel empty most of the time

I bf exclusively and my breasts feel soft now too - it doesn't mean you don't have any milk. Just that your boobs are adjusting to what's needed.

That's the same here. Breastmilk and formula are totally different so the amount of breastmilk that would fill a baby up is different to the amount of formula it's really not good to compare the amounts of each and you can get worried.

If you express every two hours you would probably be knackered, like Rosie said your boobie are probably just adjusting.
Hi Faye, havent seen you on for ages, mind you my net has gone poop!!!!
Anyways Ruby was the same, about a month ago she just wasnt satisfied with my boobs and wanted more than I could give her so I tried her on formula and she gulped it down, she did it for about a week and then refused it! Little madam. Was told she was having a growth spurt, maybe ickle one is having one too. She has one bottle day normally but Ive started drinking loads more water and so far its helped to get my milk back up and running.


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