I don't feel well :-(


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
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This is so not what I need right now. I have had Jamie off school for the past couple of days with a cold, sore throat and bad chest, he has been really washed out with it, no energy and just wanting to sleep all the time.

Last night I felt a tickle in my throat and today I have woken up feeling terrible :( I don't want to feel ill when I go into labour, that must be awful. Feel really fed up now and panicky rather than excited.

So today Jamie and me are going to cuddle up on the sofa, watch telly and eat ice pops.
Aww I'm sorry hun :hug:

If it's any consolation I had the start of something at the weekend and it only really lasted a couple of days.

Your plan sounds like a good one!
Hope you feel better soon hun, just put your feet up and rest :hug:
aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: Put your feet up and have a lazy day.I'm sure labour won't start until you're feeling better.

James has a sore throat and temperature today too. He seems ok with it so far though, well enough to play on the playstation!
awh poor you

drink lots of fluids, rest up and hopefully your body will recover quickly and will wait for you to get better before labour
:hug: :hug: :hug:

aww, poor you :( Ive had a cough/cold the last few days and i feel like cack too :roll:
sorry your not feeling well
i hope it dosnt last and your feeling better soon
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Had an awful night last night, feel like my chest has razor blades in it and everytime I cough it really hurts :(
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope you have a better night tonight. I miss my medicines....i used to take everything under the sun before i was preggers, even if it was just to knock me out so i could sleep but ive had to just put up with this cold :(

I was hoping that maybe all the coughing would annoy LO and she would come out, but no such luck :rotfl:
To top it all off, I had a really uncomfortable bump last night, so went up to bed early, did manage to get some sleep but woke up with bad braxton hicks had to get up and bounce on my ball for a bit.

It has gone off again but I've got that dull period pain ache again and I am terrified that I go into labour while I poorly :(

Sorry for whinging girls, just thought I would have had baby by now and be feeling more back to normal.
:hug: :hug: :hug: I hope baby stays put until you're feeling better. I wouldn't fancy labour and looking after a newborn when ill either

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