I don't feel pregnant


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Apart from putting on weight and a few other things I don't really feel pregnant, I'm not complaining like but can't wait til I feel little bubba move eventualy!! Oh when will that be :lol: god I'm so impatient! Anyone else felt or feeling this way ??? Anyway better get some :sleep: seen as though clocks go forward!! Whoops x
I was exactly the same with Sam... apart from occasional dizziness and travel sickness I just didn't feel pregnant at all - and didn't feel anything until after my 20 week scan because I had an anterior placenta...it seemed like such a long wait but he made up for it later on :lol:

Hope you start feeling movements soon :cloud9:
I went through a few weeks where I didnt feel pregnant. My symptoms had gone down and I didnt have a bump and I just felt really normal. But it all starts to kick in soon. Welcome to the second tri btw...its ace here! Goes quick and its the more relaxing of the 3 :)
im the same im 14wks 4 days so we are close it dates and i havent felt pregnant since day one. With my little girl that is nearly two now i felt her starting to move around 15 half wks so im hoping i will start to feel movements soon to put my mind at rest but then i will prob start worrying more if i dont feel the baby till later this time. I've had my scan and everything was fine but i just dont feel any diffrent i am showing like infact im massive so baby pip must be growing. I'm sure we are both fine and we must be just the lucky ones that dont have a hard time in the frist few months xxxxxxxxxxxx
I've been thinking this as well over the past few days, symptoms have faded and although I have put a bit of weight on I am not showing at all. Comforting to know I am not the only one. We are exactly the same due date keljordan so maybe it is just a phase. I can't wait till I feel it move - it will just make it so much more real.
am the same am 17 weeks on friday and dont have any pregnancy symptoms at all. Although i am always tired always going for naps constantly think thats the pregnancy kicking in lol. I aint showing either went for my scan the other week and everything was fine. Hopefully we are just the lucky ones with hardly any symptoms lol:whistle:
I wouldn't worry. As soon as my sickness started to go 13-14 weeks I felt less pregnant every day! Wait until you're about 18 weeks, you'll know about it when you little one is kicking you about! lol! X
I think its hard when you mive to tri two - cos most symptons drop off. But don't worry once bubs starts moving and you expand even more there will be no getting away from it!

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