I don't 'do' sick!


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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:puke: my little baby boy is not well. He was throwing up through the night and its continued this morning. I have a severe phobia of sick called emetaphobia so me and OH made a deal before we had kids that i would do poo if he did sick. Well the toss pot wouldn't get up with him through the night coz he said he didn't feel well himself and this morning he has gone out and left me to it :wall2: unimpressed!!

I have no idea whats up with the little dude as he is in great spirits, had no nasty nappies and isn't really off his food, he's just being sick. He has only been up a few hours and has gone back to bed for a sleep so he must be feeling rough but apart from the puking he seems fine :eh: xx
oh dear :( i dont 'do' sick either!!

hope your little man feels better soon!
There's loads of this sickness bug getting the nippers ATM. My nephew's been wiped out for almost a week with it, poor little beggar :( Hope he perks up soon chick.

Terrie's avi is making me feel a bit nauseous actually....
Awww poor little man :(

And yep I agree with Lisa, I feel like I'm about to :puke: myself looking at Ron, as long as I live I'll never get what you see in him and now everytime I see him I think of you :rofl:
he's just slept for 2 hours! Thats a record day time sleep for him. I'm gonna make him some scrabled eggs i think, i can't think of anything else light on his tummy to give him xx
Hope he's feeling better

my dad never did sick either and I vividly remember my mum been in hospital when we were kids my brother had a sickness bug and my dad spent the day playing with us in the garden so he could just hose it away when he was sick :rofl:
We've all got it,.... all 4 kids, hubby and me!! I am so scared of being sick too, I'd rather give birth!

Hope LO gets better soon x
Aw hope the little man is feeling better Toon :hug:

I can do baby sick, but when they get to the 2-3 year old mark.. Nooo chance :lol: The agreement me and OH have is I do the baby stuff, nappies, spewing etc and he will do the bigger stuff.. Poo on floor, sick up walls.. Couldn't suit me better! :lol:
I don't mind baby sick as in milk and just like spit up but this is germie sick, i can just imagine the germs mutiplying and crawling through my house *shudder* everything has been stripped and wiped with anti bac wipes. He's asleep again!!! he must need it.

Hope you and your family get better soon amyjayne xx
There must be loads of sicky bugs going round atm, Think i might recluse for a bit till its passed. I hate being ill and hate feeling so helpless when my LO is poorly. When my DS was ill last time he just clung to me for about 8 hours, i couldnt put him down and he was sick in my hair! My DH was working nights so i phoned my mum! lol, felt like a right baby, she came eound though bless her, it was about 3am!! Arent mums ace xxx
when my eldest was 2 he was ill for about a week, on the third night of vomiting, i dropped him off at my mams at 2 in the morning :oops: how bad is that!! I was a single parent at the time and i just couldn't deal with any more sick xx
Aw hon, poor little man and poor you too - hope he's better soon xxx

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