I couldn't help it


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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I have been a complete gump tonight.
I ordered some hpt to come with shopping (ordered online) so that I can test at the weekend.
When the shopping got here and i saw the test, I just had to take a test, just in case! :shock: I KNOW that it can't tell me the answers at just 7/8 dpo, but I had to check becuase i am a serial tester!! :wall:

Unsuprisingly it was a BFN....I suppose at least I know for sure that I have no hormones from last pregnancy flying around.

I have wasted a perfectly good test becuase I am a numpty. I have made OH hide the other test until Sunday/Monday.

I think I need to go to HPT Anonymous.

'Hello, I am Michelle and I am a test-o-holic'
Hello I am Lisa and i am a testaholic too.
I can't help my self if it is in the cabinet- even when you know when it is way to early. I find it best to have a big supply of really cheap ones for this addiction- think white lightening cider- and keep the higher quality ones for later.

Glad it is not just me :hug:
Hello I'm Fingers crossed and I'm a testaholic. I tested this evening even though I've started spotting :roll:

aww hun i was the same way , think all the ttc gets to your head
hello - can i join this group please?

i also am a test-a-holic and i need help!!


sorry you got a BFN hunny :hug: :hug:
Im a test-a-holic too lol

Ive found that not buying any tests until I actually should be testing helps, and saves a fortune! :D
:wall: :wall:

Me too!!! grrr should be testing on Sunday or Monday too honey!

By bbs are mahooosive and swollen just now so i'll keep everything crossed!
Happybunny said:
I have wasted a perfectly good test becuase I am a numpty. I have made OH hide the other test until Sunday/Monday.

I think I need to go to HPT Anonymous.

'Hello, I am Michelle and I am a test-o-holic'

I think we can all relate to this, My new years resolution was to stop doing this... so far Iv done pretty well... only once did i test FAR too early...

Self Control is the answer... just think all that money your wasting that could be in a savings account for your future baby!!! A nice Pram some nice designer baby clothes.

Think about it that way!

Such a terrible waste of money
I've never taken a pg test yet! But I have some ebay cheapies and 2 clearblues upstairs in readiness. Although there is no chance in hell that I'm pg yet, I keep wondering whether I should POAS just to make sure my technique is correct for when it counts :D
I have got twtichy fingers agin. Tomorrow is my OH's 30th and I keep thinking, wouldn't it be really lovely to test and get a BFP and tell him on his birthday?

My sis has talked me out of it though....says a BFN will just make me sad.

I am symptom spotting mad atm. Got sore boobs, been peeing for England and my pee has the funny smell it had last time I was pg. (niiiice :oops: ) Argh!!! I wish it was the weekend.
ohh.. good luck with the testing......

by way i am also a testaholic.... used to be an alcoholic but cant afford to be both ha ha :rotfl:
You dont want to know how many tests i took last month, lol. And i wasnt patient enough to wait til 7dpo lol.

I think peeing on a stick is quite healthy :)

Ok, I am completely useless. I woke up at 2am last night needing the loo (very rare occurrence) And guess what? Found where OH hid the test and did it! :wall:

Of course it was still a BFN! I can't stop myself!! I now have no tests left. I am not going to buy any till Sunday, it is the only way.

I am not so convinced I am pg now. AF feels soo imminent. I just don't know. Just have to wait and see!!! If not, more wine and more BD I suppose! :roll: Could be worse :wink:

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