I could cry....


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
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With sheer frustration! I've supposedly been diagnosed with SPD, and while I have some lower back pain and sore hips, my main concern is the stomach pain, which doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere I have looked online about SPD. It was the stomach pain that I went to the doctors with and after having a quick poke around, SPD was the diagnosis (along with internal & external haemorrhoids!!)... Went to the physio on monday and she felt my pubis and it wasn't painful, surely it would be with SPD?!?

I have suffered with IBS for 5 years, so I am wondering if it's maybe this that is causing the pain, or the endometriosis (if that can cause a problem in pregnancy) which I have suffered from for a similar number of years.

I tried calling my midwife, she is on holiday until 5th June, so I tried my doctor, I can have a phone appointment next Tuesday afternoon (29th May), so now what??

I'm sorry for the long post and the whinging, but I just can't stop worrying that the pain is something awful (no bleeding though) and it's really getting me down. I really want this baby, but the thought of this for the next 5.5 months doesn't bear thinking about. To top it all off I had a bit of a meltdown and told my mum I couldn't do it anymore and that I wanted rid, which I really don't, and after having a miscarriage the last thing I want, so now I'm feeling really guilty and hoping that I haven't jinxed things.

My OH is lovely and has just said to stop worrying, it's just the baby playing, but I'm nearly in tears with the worry of it all!

I hope it's ok to say all this, it's helped a bit to write this down!
I'm afraid i can't help but I wanted to say I'm sorry your suffering so and wish it gets better for you real soon. Big hugs xx
Oh chicken.

Sorry you feel this way, it's those bloody hormones!!

I'm not a sufferer of SPD so I don't know a hell of alot about it..

I did get quite a few stomach pains when I was about your gestation, which I was concerned about, I sent my MW a text and she explained it was my uterus stretching, I also get pains in my tummy when I do a No.2. Sorry, TMI.

If you're worried, try and contact your MW, or a replacement MW if there is anyone covering her until she is back?! xxx
If you have IBS I would guess that the stomach pain is probably this, I've had on and off stomach pains throughout that a agony at times, and it always ends up with me sitting on the loo for a fair bit :blush:
Thanks guys! I think my hormones got the better of me as well.... I am convinced that my IBS has flared up again which is what the constant dull ache is, and the sharper pains a combination of stretching and IBS! The things we have to suffer....
I'm totally new to the forum but have been stalking since I was about 6 weeks pregnant and when I read your thread it made me join.
I have had major pains in my tummy and I have been told it's SPD. I've had it from 5 weeks, I'm having lots of physio for mine which is working. What's your pain like? Can you describe it? Try not to worry to much about all the aches and pains. Our bodies work in weird and wonderful ways. Hopefully it will ease soon.x
Hiya, when I was first diagnosed with SPD it was only in my hips most of the time. Now my pubic bone kills me every day, but that didn't start til a couple of months ago. So it's perfectly normal to get an SPD diagnosis without it being your actual Symphisis Pubis hurting, hence why they actually changed the name to Pelvic Girdle Pain (although almost everyone still calls it SPD really!) xx
I don't suffer from SPD either, but I hope it all gets better for you soon!! xx
I'm totally new to the forum but have been stalking since I was about 6 weeks pregnant and when I read your thread it made me join.
I have had major pains in my tummy and I have been told it's SPD. I've had it from 5 weeks, I'm having lots of physio for mine which is working. What's your pain like? Can you describe it? Try not to worry to much about all the aches and pains. Our bodies work in weird and wonderful ways. Hopefully it will ease soon.x

Hi! Welcome to the forum and thank-you for taking the time to reply :)

My pain is mainly like a strong period ache low down, and sometimes sharp but I've put them down to growing pains. I also suffer from Endometriosis, but that is supposed to ease during pregnancy?!? It quite often eases a bit during the afternoon, but whether that's because it does actually ease or whether I just get used to it (IFYKWIM?) I don't know....

My physio gave some exercises to do at home, but they are focussing mainly on my back :eh:

I'm off to my doc's this afternoon to check if it could be another UTI..... Hopefully I'll get a bit of reassurance and relax a bit more FX


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