Anyone with SPD please help me!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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After being in pain since yesterday I went to the docs today some of my bloods are high and they are all the ones re inflammation etc. Doc asked me to lay down to have a feel of my tummy and made me sob with the pain when he pressed on my pubis and straight the middle of my abdomen. He is now saying that the being sick etc I have had is to do with the pain and my body reacting to the inflammation. He refuses to give me any stronger pain killers and have said that is SPD and really I just have to deal with the pain. I am only nearly 16 weeks how much worse is this gonna get. I feel so low and tearful. :wall2::puke::-(
Oh hun :( I think we are both going mouldy to be honest. Don't know if you've googled......

Have a look through these hun, they give a few alternative therapies. The clue is in the name with GP's.....General. As good as they can be they are not specialists and you need to see someone who is really. Good luck sweetie and hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxx
MrsMc had really suffered...she would be able to offer you some advice hun xxx
Oh hun :( I think we are both going mouldy to be honest. Don't know if you've googled......

Have a look through these hun, they give a few alternative therapies. The clue is in the name with GP's.....General. As good as they can be they are not specialists and you need to see someone who is really. Good luck sweetie and hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks hun they were really helpful and interesting. I think we are definitely falling apart!! Although I had a dodgy birth with Dylan his pregnancy was a breeze never sick or in any pain and was working till midnight everday as a barmaid until the week before he was born. lol. This one looks like it may be a grotty pregnancy but maybe that means a easy birth!!! Or maybe that means a girl!!!! lol
Hey hunnie I have had SPD since 9weeks! Have they referred u for physio?
Make sure u keep ur knees together all the time as asymmetric movements are good.
Mine has flare ups so some days it's so bad j can't move and others although in pain can get around a bit more x

Hun you can get your revenge during her teenage years :dance: xxxxxxxxxx
Hi I have been told you are the guru regarding everything SPD. lol. They have referred me for physio but will take a couple of weeks to come through. Trouble is with my arthritis I don't know where that ends and the SPD starts!!! I sobbed and sobbed when the doc pressed on my abdomen and pubis today. I normally have a very high pain threshold due to the arthritis anyway but yesterday and today have been agony. Have taken some paracetamol and codeine so its easing a little. I've tried to read as much as I can today but all advice is gratefully received. xx
Aw :hugs: i suffered with this with my second pregnancy, they gave me a support belt to wear which was a god send and physio, altho she mainly gave me tips on getting up so as not to aggrivate it,

Also know its a bit away but she also said for someone with SPD the worst thing you can do is give birth on your back.

Hope you get some relief somehow sorry not more help xxx
Thanks JoJo. I am having an elective c-section so won't have that worry. I would like to try the support belt as I feel like I need to hold my pelvis together sounds silly but I have a urge to. I have been sitting here this afternoon almost pushing my hips together. x
It dont sound silly at all!! Til i got my belt i walked around trying to hold the bump up!!! Sounds perfectly normal to me, just hope they hurry with your physio app,

Def know how painful it is, honestly tho you'll feel so much better after you get some support, i think (if i remember righ it was nealry 7yr ago!) i wanted to use mine after the birth too cos i had/have a really bad back! xxx
I used to have one for my back with my arthritis but it doesn't fit around my middle now. :-(

Thats what i have been doing and it doesn't feel comfortable unless I am supporting the bump or laying on my side with a pillow between my legs!!! Physio will apparently be two weeks average. May call my arthritis consultant tomorrow and see if he can see me or push the physio a bit quicker. xxx
Def worth a try! pull all the strings you can!

Maybe just try to rest with the pillow as much as possible xx
Aaaww i can sympathise hun, i have SPD and sciatica and im in agony. Just waiting for a physio appointment too xx
Aaaww i can sympathise hun, i have SPD and sciatica and im in agony. Just waiting for a physio appointment too xx

Its awful isn't it and when a doc just goes "theres nothing I can do" it just makes you feel so much worse.
I hate it when gp's say this, we get it all the time at's old age, that's what pregnancy does blah blah blah.
Pregnancy's not a disease ffs. I would look around for alternative therapies hun, specially chiropractic or osteopath. It can seem expensive but if it gets you functioning again it's worth it really.
Hope you feel better soon hunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yeah theres so much stuff weve got to just put up with isnt there?! Hopefully the physio will help us and at least you know youre not alone xx
Hey flow... Not sure whether you've read my opening posts about my condition and the extremity of it but I'm more than happy to help.

Bugger the GP, their rubbish in pregnancy. You need a referral from your midwife to the obstetric physio who will be able to give you some advice, exercises, a support belt and crutches etc You need to make them aware of your pain levels. If you can't get it under control go into your maternity ward. I've had pethidine when I've struggled.

You can also take cocodamol & dihydrocodeine in pregnancy both are over the counter now but you get the usual 'ask your gp' routine. Even if you take 2 tablets at bed time to get you through the night. It's better than nothing!

It really gets you down and I have bad days still despite being on fentanyl which is a strong form of morphine. Goes to show how debilitating it can be. The pain is worth it at the end though & you'll forget about it as soon as you have baby in your arms. I promise xxx
Hey flow... Not sure whether you've read my opening posts about my condition and the extremity of it but I'm more than happy to help.

Bugger the GP, their rubbish in pregnancy. You need a referral from your midwife to the obstetric physio who will be able to give you some advice, exercises, a support belt and crutches etc You need to make them aware of your pain levels. If you can't get it under control go into your maternity ward. I've had pethidine when I've struggled.

You can also take cocodamol & dihydrocodeine in pregnancy both are over the counter now but you get the usual 'ask your gp' routine. Even if you take 2 tablets at bed time to get you through the night. It's better than nothing!

It really gets you down and I have bad days still despite being on fentanyl which is a strong form of morphine. Goes to show how debilitating it can be. The pain is worth it at the end though & you'll forget about it as soon as you have baby in your arms. I promise xxx

My god I cannot believe that my doc told me that there was nothing he could give me whilst I was sitting infront of him sobbing my heart out. I have a app with the midwife next week anyway for my 16 weeks appointment so will talk to her then. Thank you so much that was really helpful. xxxx
Awww hope ur feeling better hunnie, sending u lots of love xxxxxxxxxx

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