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I can't wait!! This is excruciating!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Hi all,

just needed to vent some steam. Don't get me wrong, I am ridiculously excited that I am pregnant, I'm just soooo frustrated that I can't tell anyone yet!! :x

I'm sat here at work with everyone around me and I've got to wait another 7 weeks!! 7 WEEKS!!! That seems like a lifetime away! Someone please tell me it goes quickly or that it gets easier?

I know there's quite a few other girlies at around the 5 week mark like me. Are you finding things as difficult? All the time I'm thinking, I want a scan, I want a scan. Just so I can see my little bean and know he/she is there and healthy!! :D

On one hand, finding out 10dpo was great, but on the other, it isn't half a long wait till 12 weeks!! :wall:

How am I going to last???

Hi, im now approx 13 weeks and have just started telling our friends and relatives. it has been hard keeping it a secret although i told my dad and best mate straight away. DH kept forgetting about baby saying it was because he cant talk about it. this is our second baby but its just as exciting. im sure you'll hit 12 weeks before you know it but i found it good to tell my best mate so i had someone to talk to about how i was feeling etc. Hope all goes well for you :D ( staying in first tri until scan next week, cant wait)
I know what you mean, is sooooo hard isn't it!!

only 1 week to go for me till I can tell more people.

is up to you who you tell and when KJ, I told my family and close friends at 7 weeks and 10 weeks respectively......

I based who I told on... would I confide in them if I lost the baby, if the answer was yes, then no point it keeping it a secret from them!
thanks for the replies. We have told about 5 people.

Our lodger, who is currently 17 week pregnant and knew we were TTC
My 2 best friends
DH's best friend
And a close colleague at work who has just announced she is 12 weeks preg!!

I think that's what makes this soo hard, everyone at work is talking pregnancy because of my colleague and I jsut have to sit here. I'm bursting!!!

My parents are coming to visit in feb the day after I'll be 10 weeks, so I'm debating whether to tell them then.

Just want to get to 12 and know that everything is fine. Roll on March 2nd!!!

Work is the hardest at the moment. There are 2 girsl who are pregnant, both who are good friends.... I am sure they have guessed anyway!

Only a couple of weeks to go now. and I will tell them.......
do you think you are showing at all Topbird? Don't know how you haven't told them, you must have such good willpower! When is your scan?

Just wondering when I might see a difference. My (.)(.)s are fuller, and I have a bit more of a paunch at the end of the day but nothing to speak of.

I felt like I wanted to burst out with it for the first few weeks, and I worried that because it was on my mind all the time I would just mention something about it accidentally in passing.
But over the last few weeks I've really begun to appreciate that it's a secret, I think because I'm realising what a big undertaking it is and I need more time in my own head to come to terms with it all! Now I get a bit sick with nerves about telling work and parents. And I'm sure I'll miss the peaceful days when it was all quiet and between me and my husband. Sometimes I think I'll try and not announce it until about 14 weeks, but I think maybe I'm kidding myself there!
KJ said:
do you think you are showing at all Topbird? Don't know how you haven't told them, you must have such good willpower! When is your scan?
Just wondering when I might see a difference. My (.)(.)s are fuller, and I have a bit more of a paunch at the end of the day but nothing to speak of.


I do think I am showing a very little bit. But I lost 10lb when I was really ill at 5 weeks and am quite slim anyway, so people think I am just putting the weight back on. My boobs have doubled in size.... to a whopping 36B! yes, that is not a typo, have gone from fried eggs to egg mcmuffins :rotfl:

I have a very tiny bump quite low down - below my knicker line which I have never had before and some of my work trousers etc... are feeling a bit tighter. Especially towards the end of the day and evening, but this is bloating more than anything I think :oops:

I actually regretted telling the people I have told so far to be honest, it is a bit of a run away train... I posted about it just after New year when we told our close friends.

http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... hp?t=24002

Eightball definitely has a point there! You do need to be prepared to loose control of your own news....

I am going to tell a few close friends at work if and when the opportunity arises next week after my scan (on Monday - can't wait!) but am waiting for a review with my Director before I tell him and go public at work.
Everyone knew we were ttc and everymonth would ask me was there any news so I told my family the day after we found out (Middle of Dec) as they live in Ireland and we happened to be there that weekend. Then we told DH's family on Christmas day and our friends over the Christmas break as we saw them. We wouldn't have been able to keep our mouths shut for 12 weeks :D So I am glad I told. Best of luck to those of you who are keeping stum I'm impressed by your willpower.
Everyone and their dog knew we were TTC so although I'm only 5 weeks a lot of people know already. Due to the work I'm involved in, my work had to know as soon as I did. I dont mind everyone knowing though
Hi Jools,

if you don't mind me asking, what do you do?

I work in a medical research lab and have been debating whether I should tell work or not, so that they can make sure their risk assessments are current.

Hi KJ,
I'm in RAF so work had to know so that I dont get deployed overseas. Its entirely up to you on how long you want to keep it to yourself...I have told everyone which is my personal choice, if I'm unlucky and something goes wrong then everyone would know anyway because I would be devasted :oops: Fingers crossed that everything will be ok :pray:

I know just how you feel I felt like I wanted to tell everyone in the early weeks. But now it's gone on a bit longer (I'm 13weeks+) I don't feel so keen :)

I am hoping to last out till about 16 weeks before I spill the beans to everyone.

Thanks everyone, nice to know I'm not alone in my frustration!

Just want to be able to stop worrying so much. Analysing every twinge, ache and pain.


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