I can't put him down


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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During the day Sam is becoming a nightmare I can't do anything without him screaming.

Every time i manage to get him off to sleep and lay him down and try to get on with something else he starts.

Today he has been at it all day the only time he has slept was in the car and he has had a nap for about half an hour so far.

The only time he is settled is when I am holding him or where he can see me, if i go out of his view he starts again. I've tried putting him in his bouncy chair, playmat and he isn't interested.

Anyone any ideas?
Emms is exactly the same a lot of the time. Today I went to mum's and she slept for about 3 hrs which is really unusual. When I am at home, she is often like this. I resort to sitting watching TV and just going with it, hopefully things will change with time . .
If it's any consolation Charlie was like this too, but lately has been a lot better (I acutally got a shower today lol). Haven't really done anything different, he just seems more settled :think:

Hope things improve soon :hug:
:x normally E sleeps most of the day but today she's been clinging to me and yelling if i put her down!
you could try using a sling if you really need to so things and hes getting upset..i used to do my washing up with hayden in a sling sometimes when he was really little- x
Ellie went through a stage of this but it did pass, its hard work aint it. A sling might be a good idea? :hug:
harry went through this too, teh only other thing that worked was putting him in his pram - usually fell asleep pretty much straight away
logans the same, i put him in a sling when i need to get on with stuff. mostly i watch tv, read or surf the net with him asleep in my arms when james is at school. it is good in a way as it makes me rest rather than jumping up doing housework
Most LO's go through this at different stages, Isaac had it quite bad, but it is about them learning and gaining confidence, so best to ride it out, as much as it can hinder you doing anything, but t will pass as others have said :hug: a little bit about seperation anxiety here too, which may help;

http://www.babycentre.co.uk/baby/develo ... ependence/

Very best wishes :hug:
Thanks everyone i think i am going to try a sling.
The only thing that seemed to settle him yesterday was George when he came home from school. He seems to idolise his big brother already :D
I think most of them go through that at that age and like the others the sling was a major help for me

You just feel like you are pregnant again though with an even bigger bump when trying to wash the pots and things though.....

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