I can't get pregnant ..advice please

She said after my blood tests my OH would have to do a sample or she can't refer me.
She never mentioned any other tests just said you could have ivf.
I thought she was jumping the gun as I haven't even found out if or what the problem with me is.
It might be my hormone levels or something or thyroid etc
It kind of scared me talking about ivf..if I had to do it then obviously I would but I would like to get to the bottom of my prioblems first.
I don't understand after my bloods why I can't get a ultrasound on ovarys etc without a sperm sample.
I might go to another doctor after the bloods
I would definitely try and see another doctor in the practise or change doctors with an attitude like that! Maybe worth to ask be referred to gynaecology and go from there, they might be a bit more sensitive on the matter?

The last few months I've had 28 day cycle but sometimes it's 30 day cycle.
My boyfriend isn't wanting to get tested yet as he says it's more then likely my problem so I hope they will just test me as he is causing me more worry.
Then if they say I'm ok then he will go to doctors.

He has absolutely no way of knowing that so dont let him make you feel bad :flower:
I'm 31 too and ttc 3 years, one year of actually monitoring everything under the sun. I'm too scared to see a doctor too, but it's probably a good idea to.. better to know what's going on. Wishing you luck!

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With us, the usually very lovely female doctor basically fobbed us off but the old school tough type male doctor reffered us straight away no question!

What I've learnt throughout this is you have to being persistent! Pushy even! I'm naturally quite like that so it wasn't a problem but I know couples will be easily fobbed off when really they need help.
With us, the usually very lovely female doctor basically fobbed us off but the old school tough type male doctor reffered us straight away no question!

What I've learnt throughout this is you have to being persistent! Pushy even! I'm naturally quite like that so it wasn't a problem but I know couples will be easily fobbed off when really they need help.
Scared24667, I'm also shocked by the attitude of your GP. I would definitely see someone else for a second opinion. Generally, I think people tend to have a better experience with a female doctor but as Andy has said, don't be put off just because a doctor is male as all you need is someone who will listen and refer you for the right tests. Also persistence is really important. In our case, I'm definitely more persistent than OH. I was lucky that the GP I saw was on board but I had a whole speech prepared had I needed it haha. I think due to my previous issues with prolactin she was quite happy to do as I wanted haha.

I got the impression that the tests required for referral can vary between areas. I needed have various blood tests (days 2-5 and day 21) and also a pelvic ultrasound. OH needed a sperm analysis also before we could be referred. My OH has been hugely supportive but he wasn't exactly enthusiastic about the SA. He sort of waited til I told him he was going to need one and was kinda like 'yeah, alright...' haha. Even he would admit it was really straightforward. He just made a phone appointment with a GP, explained my situation and asked if he could do a test. They were more than happy and left all the stuff in an envelope so he just had to pick it up. I'd totally prepared him to be pushy but it was totally fine. As it turned out he has low motility which was a bit unexpected as we thought we were only dealing with my issues but we would have had no other way of knowing this. Also, when I had the ultrasound they found a polyp in the womb lining which again we'd never have known about so I've been referred to gynae about that. All my recent bloods were normal so the other tests were very useful. I think anything you can find out before having to consider the IVF route can only be helpful.
Rang for blood tests and all came back normal
Not really sure what was tested but I suppose that's one good thing
I'm 31 too and ttc 3 years, one year of actually monitoring everything under the sun. I'm too scared to see a doctor too, but it's probably a good idea to.. better to know what's going on. Wishing you luck!

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You should def go to the doc...I went on Saturday and been trying 5 months as I think the not knowing is much worse than the knowing as it gives you the knowledge and control to know what you need to do in order to achieve that BFP..
And you will feel much better for it ...trust me !! I told a white lie and said beem trying 12 months and they booked me in to get hormones checked and OH is getting sperm analysis done...then taking it from there. Good luck x
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