I cant find any anti-natal classes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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There seems to be nothing where i live other than Aqua-natal.

I have read that some of you do Yoga and exersize classes for pregnant women but i cant seem to find these around here.

I am not the most active of people and need to get into shape for when i have my lo but dont think just aqua-natal is gonna be enough, does anyone have any suggestions.

I thought of looking out for videos to do at home but if i'm honest i probably wouldnt do them at home.
I had the same problem but not even aqua-natal was on offer here (the local centre stopped running them due to lack of popularity and put on something else instead). Anyway I grumbled about it and spoke to my midwife....she gave me the number of a yoga instructor who specialised with pre/post-natal. I start on the 15th and can't wait. I was advised to start 12-14 weeks once I was feeling better and had had the all clear at the 12 week scan. Hoping it's a socialising thing too if I'm honest but needed to find something to get into and keep in shape. Speak to the midwife or local GP I'm sure there is something (like my yoga) that simply isn't advertised anyway and not held in the obvious places like leisure centres. Also....you can join a regular aqua-aerobics class, just inform the instructor your pregnant and he/she can adapt certian bits for you if needed. Good luck on your hunt I know it's utterly frustrating when nothing comes up immediatly. :hug:
What about NCH classes Flame? Although I know they can be expensive (I was told about £100).

I wish I could find an Aquanatal class. There doesn't seem to be any where I live :(

Good luck looking! :hug:

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