I can't do it anymore. Think i'm going to give up!


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2010
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Hey girls. Had a really crap few days and think i'm going to give up on the only dream i actually have left that was remotely achievable... Becoming a mummy.

started the month really posative as i came on when i expected to and AF lasted 7 days. started bd'ing a day later and continued every other day for a couple of weeks. had some pinkish discharge and feeling hopefullast week. Yesterday AF turned up like the witch she is and left me on a downer as i was so sure it was going to be our lucky month.

To make matters worse, one of my managers announced his wife is pregnant with their second and was comparing notes with another manager whose wife is due in feb. I walked out of the room, had a little cry and felt really crap for the remaining 8 hours of my shift. This morning i wake up feeling a bit better, then postie delivers a card from a friend i haven't spoken to in ages and she signed the card from her family and BUMP! She also enclosed a picture of her son who has just turned one. my husband came down, saw it and started commenting on how sweet he looked, I burst into tears again and he had the cheek to say "whats wrong with you?" Another of my friends had a baby and made a video on youtube so nothing says smug parents like that does and their facebook status's are all .."OOOOH i love being a mum/ dad, this having a kid thing is sooo easy".

To top it off, another 4 friends have had kids in the past 2 months and i'm really feeling down and that it's never going to be me. tried to talk to husband but i don't think he was paying attention as per usual. Just thinking i should admit defeat and give up.

sorry for the rant, Merry christmas and babydust to all!
Sorry your feeling this way hunny, but your time will come and my fingers and toes are crossed that it will be very soon.
Just wanted to give you a massive :hugs: and send you lots of babydust for this cycle :dust::dust::dust:
Enjoy Christmas and ive got a feeling the new year is going to be a good one, the :witch: isnt going to know whats hit her x x

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Aww hunni you sound like you need a huge cuddle and a big cry to get out all your frustration!!
Im so sorry your so down! It will happen one day!! They say that good things come to those who wait so try to be patient and you never know what's round the corner!!
Hope you have a lovely Xmas and new year and you start to feel better soon xx
Aw :hug:

I think you need a good cry with a sad film to just get it all out and then a good night's sleep.

It's not healthy for you to get so upset about what is going on in other people lives because you never know the full extent of it.

Maybe your manager has been trying for 4 years. Maybe the other managers wife is sleeping with his brother.

As for your four friends - who knows! There are a lot of awful things that go on behind closed doors and a baby isn't a gaurantee of their happiness and it certainly isn't at the expense of your happiness unless *you* make it that way.

Your husband has every right to gush over a photo of a baby - it isn't all about you and your feelings. Maybe you should try asking your husband to tell you his perspective on things - husband's have a nack for keeping it real when us ladies are turning into crazy ttc ladies :)

You'll feel alright soon enough :hug:
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Thanks ladies. had a massive cry and whine at the 'boy' last night, he didn't really know exactly how crap i'm feeling about it all. Louise B. I know he has every right to gush over baby pictures and i know that my managers first kid has just turned one and the other one came off the pill and was pregnant 2 months later. they also know we've been trying for years. It was also pretty obvious i had been crying and still they carried on.

Am gonna have fun over christmas, get extremely drunk and give it another go in January. I'll give up in April when i turn 30! The cats just arn't enough anymore, I have too much mummy love for 2 cats and a husband, thats probably part of my problem

Merry Christmas!
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hey there is no age limit on having babies except the one your body makes for you!!!

so what if ur turning 30 if your body is still working correctly then you can go on trying until its given up,

i know its draining and id hate to have been trying for so long but there was a lady on here trying for 2 years and 2 months and shes finally got her BFP!!!!

i wish you all the luck in the world for the new year and lots of baby dust x x
Hiya, sorry to crash in! And I'm sorry I don't know your background. Have you been to your GP for tests and things? I know a lot of them are no use and make you wait a long time but it'd be worth it for that BFP, sounds like you've already had a long wait getting to this point. :hug:

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