Eva is the same - a very hungry baby. She will feed continiously in th evenings. I gave her a bottle of formula at night before bed. Yeterday I gave her a 5oz bottle at 7pm and bf'd her at 9 then 5oz bottle again at 11. During the day she bf's every 2 hrs! It is a real struggle! I can't get anything done at all cos Eva stays awake all day with a few short naps.
Do what feels right for you! ( And take no notice of the HV)
Sometimes Chloe can still feed every hour on a off day for two days then she settles again. An she is on solids too. Think the thing to remember is breast is there water and their food buy other days she will feed only 4 times a day lol!
I wish Tegan only fed 4 times a day! she still feeds every couple of hours and doesn't like to nap at all. she's back to the pediatrician on the 11th about her Reflux as the medication still isn't helping x
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