i cant bloody well believe it

Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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you wouldnt believe what happened.

sitting in my office typing away at my work ( :lol: ) when a knock on my window and it is kieran. open the door and he says that liam is in a & e as he hit his head.

DH was strapping him in his highchair, got one side done up, sat on the settee, nearly tipping liams food on the floor so he grabbed the food and put it on the floor, meanwhile liam has thrown himself to the side and bungeyed out of the highchair, DH has caught him but he has cracked his head on the table and given himself a big lump and a cut.

he has been x-rayed and all is okay, we are just waiting until 4.30 to be discharged.

i cant believe this.
aww, sorry to hear that, i hope the little mite is ok.

oooh nasty. Poor little mite

Jack has just banged his aswell throewing himself back , but lukily not an A&E job

hope all is ok :hug:
Aw poor babe :(

Hope he's on the mend :hug:
home now yay

he had xrays, waited for results. consultant wanted more xrays. everything fine and we were sent home with instructions on what to look for. was at hospital for 7 1/2 hours. plus the amount of questions they ask, they even asked DH about joshua's broken leg, ie was he by himself with josh when it happened etc. they make youfeel like a criminal but that sort of thing doesnt bother me as they cuold possibly save a kids life if they were being abused.

anyway liam is fine, he has just had a bottle and gone to sleep. not putting him upstairs until we go to bed, just so that we can keep an eye on him. has two big bumps and a cut on his head. thanks for the messages. lets just hope me life is uneventful from now on. :lol:
What a fright you all must have had? Glad Liams' ok and all tucked up safe and sound!
Big hug for all of you!! :hug:

Emilia xx
aww poor Liam, that must have been scary for your OH! Easily done though. I know what you mean it must be annoying them asking you all those q's but they do it for a reason. glad he is ok though :)
Oh the poor wee man :(

I'm glad he is ok.

Hope everythings settled back down again :hug:

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