I cant afford my baby :( i feel like such a bad mum!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2011
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hi all,

i am currently out of work due to having a career break (whilst i got married) in the hope to get a job after, with having a specialist job it would of been pretty easy.....but then i found out i was pregnant!! which was great news....Now i still dont have a job as my career involves xrays and anaesthetics, so no one wants a pregnant nurse. im due baby in 8 weeks and i cant even afford to feed myself.
my husband works full time, and his wage covers the bills and rent, which leaves us nothing a month.
i have applied for all sorts of benefits, jobseekers, maternity allowance, sure grant, employment and support allowance - and i cant get any of them because my husband is in full time work!!!! (my jobseekers ran out 4 weeks ago as you can only claim 6months)
I cant work any way due to SPD....and now i dont no what to do! i cant pay my bills or rent, and my overdraft is getting worse every week. its either feed myself or starve!!
No one seems to want to help us...i cry everyday as i feel like a failure and really need some help from somewhere....is there anything im missing at all?

My husband is being great and saying that it will all be fine - as we have almost everything we need for baby, so we just need to 'keep smiling'!! and somehow it will all work out for us!
Gosh hun I really don't know :hug: have you tried calling the citizens advice bureau? x
once baby is here you will be able to get chils benefit x also try tax credits as if your on low income you may be able to get working tax and once baby is here child tax credit.

there is a calculater online that lets you know if your entitled xx
Definatley try citizens advice, they will know all the help available and i think child tax credit cut off is household incomes under something like £41k, just for your info xx
May be worth asking about employment and support allowance as you cant work due to SPD too, although that would just cover you your last 8 weeks i would imagine, but im no expert im afraid x
thanks - i will try citizens advice!! hopefully they can help me :(
Oh bless u! It all seems so bad cause of ur hormones but once baby arrives u can get child benefit and child tax credit which everyones intiteled too. I live in devon and they do a thing called credit union info at ur doctors, u could ask it might be in ur area. Xx
Like the others said child benefit will be a massive help. Get all the forms ready now so you can get it in as soon as baby arrives. In the short term have you tried having a massive clear out for baby arriving and selling a load of stuff? I made a quite a bit on eBay and car boot sales. Try not too stress, babies don't have to be as expensive as people make out, you can get loads of things second hand or even free on freecycle x
i know exactly how you are feeling, i work 20 hours a week and my bf who lives with me at my parents is unemplyoyed atm ( not for the lack of trying ) but he gets nothing on job seekers as they say we can live on my wage alone, tried grants and everything else but we get nothing, got the sure start maternity grant letter through today saying we're not entitled even tho he is on jobseekers he doesnt get any money becoz of my hours, i'm really freaking out too. xxx
Hey hun,

If you were entitled to get JSA, now that you are no longer "able to work" (more than 29 weeks pregnant) you should be entitled to get Income Support, which is roughly the same amount as your JSA was. You should apply for that.
Hiya. I hear you, I'm not entitled to anything either. My husband earns too much for me to get job seekers but only enough to cover our bills and mortgage. I'm not entitled to statutary maternity pay as I havent paid enough stamps due to being self employed over the last year, so not entitled to income support and so I get nothing at all either!

However.... I have been told to apply for the sure start mat grant after the baby is born instead of before because then i will be getting child tax credit and so you then apply for it through a totally different channel.

As someone said in the beginning if you go to Citizens Advice they will talk you through any entitlements possible and try to help (no one else will though!) but its a nightmare getting an appointment with someone who knows what they are talking about so you need to have patience with the process. xxx
hi all,

i am currently out of work due to having a career break (whilst i got married) in the hope to get a job after, with having a specialist job it would of been pretty easy.....but then i found out i was pregnant!! which was great news....Now i still dont have a job as my career involves xrays and anaesthetics, so no one wants a pregnant nurse. im due baby in 8 weeks and i cant even afford to feed myself.
my husband works full time, and his wage covers the bills and rent, which leaves us nothing a month.
i have applied for all sorts of benefits, jobseekers, maternity allowance, sure grant, employment and support allowance - and i cant get any of them because my husband is in full time work!!!! (my jobseekers ran out 4 weeks ago as you can only claim 6months)
I cant work any way due to SPD....and now i dont no what to do! i cant pay my bills or rent, and my overdraft is getting worse every week. its either feed myself or starve!!
No one seems to want to help us...i cry everyday as i feel like a failure and really need some help from somewhere....is there anything im missing at all?

My husband is being great and saying that it will all be fine - as we have almost everything we need for baby, so we just need to 'keep smiling'!! and somehow it will all work out for us!

Well that isnt right, ive been on jobseekers longer than 6 month I think, or i definitley was the first time i was on it - thats so unfair! It's awful how the benefit system works, my mum struggled to go back to work after having kids all grown up because if she worked she wouldnt be able to afford to live unless she got a good wage, she struggled cos she couldnt just take anything as she wouldnt be able to afford to pay for the house - whereas if she doesnt work she gets help! :/ not fair at all
Try talking to citizens advice or try apply for income support I think you can get that if one of you is working :-/
Hope you find some help (even when on benefite bot always easy hun) x
Not sure why this thread has popped up, it dates back from last year so hopefully the OP is ok now. Her avatar suggests she has a happy and healthy baby anyway :)
This thread is over a year old!!
Sorry, didn't see the age of the OP! I wonder who the thread necromancer was.
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hahaah! ii love a thread resurrection! x

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