i apologise if this is TMI but .....


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
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..... you know when you need a really good fart or a poo poo and you just have to push it out (especially after days of constipation) can this harm the baby in any way at all?

this has been on my mind even since before becoming pregnant and i have no idea why. just wondered if anyone else has ever thought the same thing or is it just me being weird though i hope not :lol: :roll:
i dont see how it could to be honest? when you gotta go you gotta go! lol
No i dont seehow it could hurt the baby, you cant keep it in.
na it wont hurt them at all, just like i had bad IBS at the begining of my pregnancy, everything i read says "you may feel like shit but it'll make you feel better knowing baby is happy totally oblivious to your pain" lol.

They can hear all your stomach noises but cant feel anything, the only problem with pushing too hard is you dont wanna give yourself piles, not nice. I was feeling a little "slow" so i've been drinking some of those bio yoghurt drinks and everything is wonderful now lol.

I know we tend to worry a lot about LO but it takes a lot to hurt them! They are very well protected in there

Oh and how wonderful, my 1000'th post is about bowel movements!!! :rotfl:
No the fact that my monkey of a Son is still healthy and wiggly even :D though ive had some horrendoues huge will not come out without and effert poos :oops: :rotfl: is testament to the fact the only thing it hurts is us

so am sure your baby is fine :hug:

sarah :wave:
I was so worried in the first 12 weeks that "straining" could hurt LO, but now i've got to the point where i just HAVE TO.

I'm sure it can't do any damage.

No harm to baby, but can cause haemerroids/varicose veins up your bum if you strain too much!
I worried about that too when I was pregnant but no! It cannot harm your baby OR put you into early labour etc :D
i think youl befine hun x
i use cyrip of figs to help me avoid constipation x

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