I Am Very Pleased With Myself - Slap on the Back Time!

kazlin said:
Urchin said:
Can someone explain to me what the fook this is all about? :think:

I'll post a link in Members when I have finished the website :wink: Other than that think of Dungeons & Dragons except with Vampires of different Clans and acting/dressing up, not playing around a table :D

But if you don't play around a table how do you play?
Urchin said:
kazlin said:
Urchin said:
Can someone explain to me what the fook this is all about? :think:

I'll post a link in Members when I have finished the website :wink: Other than that think of Dungeons & Dragons except with Vampires of different Clans and acting/dressing up, not playing around a table :D

But if you don't play around a table how do you play?

it's a bit like dressing up and playing lets-pretend
it's a bit like a murder mystery
it's a bit like acting only without a script (but there is a director of sorts, the Games Master, who sets the scene and what-not)

so leaping around in woods with inflatable swords is one way of doing it lol
kazlin said:
zebrastripes...do you mean VF as in teeth? All the better to...scare you with/into doing your homework me girl...your other mother HAS spoken! :wink: :hug:

I know my pics are in Off Topic but that's cool by me! :)

Vampirefreaks as in the website, because all the LARP groups seem to have created little cults for them etc. The aforesaid homosexual goth for instance. :lol: and bugger homework, I'm going to dump my baby on the nearest willing person and go out on the lash. :rotfl:
sorry just seen this

well done you 8) :clap: :D

Im hoping to set up my own online buisness when maternity is over i have no idea how to create a website may be picking your brains :D

Good luck with it all though you dont look like you need it :D
well done hun :clap:
There's nothing like setting up your first ever website. I still remember mine (I was well chuffed because I'd written the whole thing myself in html!! :lol: )
I don't know what LARPED is, but looking forward to seeing your site. Well done hun, you deserve a slap on the back :clap: :cheer:

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