pooping myself!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2007
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next thursday and friday i am in court, well i say court its more like a office not these huge courts lol, as i am taking my x enployer to court over sacking me when i was pregnant, i think he sacked me bcoz i was pregnant,i was of from about 20 weeks until i got sacked at 29 weeks due to infections, bleeding,abdominal pain etc, i handed in sick lines excpet the odd one and whenever i didnt have a sick line i phoned them to tell them id be of, he claims he had sent me numerous letters to me but i recieved one and he didnt send me a letter to say i was sacked or tell me until i left the store and phoned him later i aint even recieved my P45 from them!!! i am crapping myself, i hate speaking infront of people, especially solicitors etc i know am gonna get all scared n nervous n when im nervous and have 2 think my heas goes blank and cant think of anything!and i have 2 stand up n tell my side of the story with the other sides solicitor fireing(sp) questions at me! i dont wanna do it, if i lose im gonna feel so sad! if i win, i will get money tho but i dont think am gonna win! am just REALLY scared!! :cry:
good luck!
dont be scared even solictors and judges sit on a toilet and poo. ust think of thatwhen you go it. im aginethem sat on the toilet with there trousers round their ankles having a poo. you'll soon relax.
haha thankz hun, think if a do that il end up laughing!
Dont be scared honey, they are just normal people like you and me doing a job...i mean i was going to study law and do something on those lines, would you be scared of me? ;) I really doubt it...

Just say what you have got to say...speak clearly and use good pronounciation and grammar and they will take you seriously and I cant see you losing that case....so no 'aint's' lol
lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: and good luck!!!! You go make sure that your x employer gets his commupance!
I took my employer to court too when they "closed down" and didn't pay me.

It's really tough as I also have problems talking in front of people. I was told I was allowed to bring any sort of paper as "evidence", and I found it useful to write down my story. You should take 2 copies as if you plan to use it in court the judge has to have a copy.

I found it really useful, as it had all the facts down while I was in a state of mind able to recall them, and not too nervous to say anything. I read mine out, and the judge read along with me on his copy, and referred back to it if he had to ask questions. You should think about doing it, as theres nothing to lose if they say you can't take it in with you, but if they say you can (they let me) then at least you have the facts written down so your voice gets heard even if it's just the judge reading from your story instead of you saying it.

I'm sure you'll be fine, take a few deep breaths & think before you speak. They will have seen hundreds of people in your position & will understand its nerve racking.
Good luck & i'm sure you'll win :hug:
xashleyx said:
next thursday and friday i am in court, well i say court its more like a office not these huge courts lol, as i am taking my x enployer to court over sacking me when i was pregnant, i think he sacked me bcoz i was pregnant,i was of from about 20 weeks until i got sacked at 29 weeks due to infections, bleeding,abdominal pain etc, i handed in sick lines excpet the odd one and whenever i didnt have a sick line i phoned them to tell them id be of, he claims he had sent me numerous letters to me but i recieved one and he didnt send me a letter to say i was sacked or tell me until i left the store and phoned him later i aint even recieved my P45 from them!!! i am crapping myself, i hate speaking infront of people, especially solicitors etc i know am gonna get all scared n nervous n when im nervous and have 2 think my heas goes blank and cant think of anything!and i have 2 stand up n tell my side of the story with the other sides solicitor fireing(sp) questions at me! i dont wanna do it, if i lose im gonna feel so sad! if i win, i will get money tho but i dont think am gonna win! am just REALLY scared!! :cry:

aww babe i didnt even no this hunni,

im sure it will b ok i wish i cud come hold ur hand 4 ya lol

just remember to get ur point across and speak loud and clear, and remember to take a spare set of pants just in case lol

good luck and let us kno how it goes xx
Its this week isn't it the very best of luck to you. Writing it all down is an excellent idea and also like budge and cassi said they're only human after all. Try and keep ask calm as possible.

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