next thursday and friday i am in court, well i say court its more like a office not these huge courts lol, as i am taking my x enployer to court over sacking me when i was pregnant, i think he sacked me bcoz i was pregnant,i was of from about 20 weeks until i got sacked at 29 weeks due to infections, bleeding,abdominal pain etc, i handed in sick lines excpet the odd one and whenever i didnt have a sick line i phoned them to tell them id be of, he claims he had sent me numerous letters to me but i recieved one and he didnt send me a letter to say i was sacked or tell me until i left the store and phoned him later i aint even recieved my P45 from them!!! i am crapping myself, i hate speaking infront of people, especially solicitors etc i know am gonna get all scared n nervous n when im nervous and have 2 think my heas goes blank and cant think of anything!and i have 2 stand up n tell my side of the story with the other sides solicitor fireing(sp) questions at me! i dont wanna do it, if i lose im gonna feel so sad! if i win, i will get money tho but i dont think am gonna win! am just REALLY scared!!