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i am sick of that blooming hospital..


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
Reaction score
i ended up in a&e again last night. that makes it 4 times in 5 weeks :cry:

blooming gall stones had me doubled over in pain again. pain killers i had did bugger all, so i went to a&e for a shot of codine. plus the put a pain killer tablet up my bum :oops: :shock:

then they decided they wanted to hook me up to a drap, and the stupid bloke doing the line, managed to spill my blood all down my leg & in my shoe! then left blood on the floor (i wiped it up, or i would have gone flying!!!).

they tested to see if i had another infection, but it was just cholic (sp) pains, so they pulled the line out and sent me home. ive got a huge bruise on my hand, which alice keeps finding! :lol:

i asked if they could move my appointment closer, but they are unable to :wall: means ive got to put up with this pain, got to a&e when it gets bad for another couple of weeks. im feed up with it. im scared to eat cause of the pain :cry:

i will stop feeling so sorry for myself now :) cheers for listening :hug:
That sounds horrible hunny, I hope you get better soon :hug:
thanks girls.

Im sorry, i don't mean to moan all the time, but OH doesn't understand / listen, and it helps to get it all written down :hug:
Awwwwwwwwwww sam im so sorry youve been ill yet again :hug: :hug:

I was wondering where you were you poor thing :hug: :hug:

Its about time that flippin consultant pulled his finger out hun youve suffered enough.

Big hugs for you mate :hug: :hug: hopefeully they will get you all sorted soon :hug: :hug:

And a little one for the gorgeous alice too :hug: :lol: xxxx

(you know where i am if you need a chat) x
kayzee said:
(you know where i am if you need a chat) x

thanks sweetpea! i keep missing you on msn.

everyone, thanks for the hugs and kind words.
Aww Sam, you poor thing :hug: :hug: :hug:

You moan away, I can't believe how much trouble you are having and I know it's not easy being ill with a baby.

Sending loads of :hug: :hug: :hug: and I hiope you get this sorted soon

Katt and Leorah xx
Oh Sam, you poor thing. Hope they get it sorted soon and you feel better soon. Me and Oliver are sending you lots of get well hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thank you. i really don't know how i get through the days wuthout having you girls! you listen to me, and put up with my moaning! :hug:
Its not moaning sam luv its called getting help from friends who understand what you are going through :hug: :hug:

You moan away hun we are all ears :hug: :hug: xxxx
Thanks lozzi!

i can't believe ellouise is 2 months already!!! how are you both doing?
Sam&Alice said:
Thanks lozzi!

i can't believe ellouise is 2 months already!!! how are you both doing?

i know its flyin by... im great ellouise is a bit gripey at the mo in the evenings thinking she might have a lil bit of colic.... incafol is like liquid gold :D

what about you and alice??
god i don't know what i would have done without infacol. I have weaned alice from it now. she tends to have a bit with her lunchtime feed, and evening feed, as that tends to be when her wind is worse.

alice is fantastic! sitting on my lap, blowing bubbles at her winnie the pooh bear at the moment.

im managing. feel like i have been hit in the gut today, but i will survive.

Its great to hear you and ellouise are doing great :hug:
i have complete sympathy for you, i had my gall bladder out a couple of years ago and i can honestly say it was the best thing i did. i was in so much pain i was in tears. was on liquid only diet but it hurt to eat so i didnt mind. lost 1 stone though which was handy :rotfl: hope you get it sorted soon :hug:
ta hun.

was it an easy opp to recover from?

i had another lot of pain last night and this morning :(

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