I am scared over stupid things.


New Member
Mar 12, 2005
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I don't know why but this pregnancy I am terrifyed that one of those crazy ladies are gonna kill me and cut my baby out of me. I have seen so many of them on the news and it is scaring me to death. With my first pregnancy I would lose sleep over the thought that Colorado was cold and my due date was in December and what if I slipped while carring him. I would stay up for days freaking out. Then with my second son I was terrified of Freddy Kruger I would lose sleep over the fact that i thought he was gonna get my baby while I was sleeping. Now with this one it is the kidnapping issue. Does anyone else have these. The thing is I know how stupid it is to be scared of this but still i cant stop freaking out. I would really like to talk to anyone who has heard of this or has felt it.
Weird things overcome us when we are protecting the little one inside of us. I am scared of shopping carts in the grocery store, I can't even push one, I have to have my husband push it and if I see one coming toward me I go the other way. Shopping carts are right at belly level for me so I am afraid of them hitting me. So you see you are not the only one.
Thank you so much. It really makes me feel better that I am not the only one. :D

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