I am pregnant, honest!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Just thought I would clarify as I am forgetting myself these days :-( woke up fine again, just same uncomfy sleep. I am 2 weeks over now and am now getting paranoid people will think I'm not actually pregnant ,I ain't no troll!!
Thing is , hospital measures baby smaller at scans in the 30 weeks area so were thinking my dates were wrong AMD I wasn't as far along . I don't want a induction anyway, but that's why they havent pushed it yet. I really do feel like I'm in limbo!! My dates were always 18th, and everyone said o yeah defo you won't go over that your huge! Then now everyone is saying they think I can't be overdue at all and hospital was wrong at first and right when they changed their minds during 34+36 week scans . I know its stubborn moody hormones but it really irritates me when my oh, mil and bil who were all convinced I would go before my due date, all now just breezily say, ahh well you weren't due till later anyway!!
Could cry that I am not feeling anything:-(
Aaaw hun it must be so annoying cause you hae your heart set on that date on in and around then and it then your made wait its as if its in limbo but not knowing kinda makes it an even bigger surprise in a way !! xx
Yeah will defo be a suprise cos I'm having one of those days where I don't believe its gonna happen! X
really hope it happens soon fro you x
Aw hun. U must hold the crown for most pregnant lady on here! What do they think ur dates should've been then? I can't imagine they will let u go too much longer. R they monitoring u a lot closer now to make sure the placenta is still workin properly?
They were thinking 28th ish, so a huge difference feels unfair :-(
Yeah they are checking me every week, have been for a while, his heartbeat is always perfect! She is starting to insist a sweep would be good so I've allowed an appoint to be booked for Tuesday , just want him now!! :-(:-(:-(
Hormones driving me mad, its like a monster takes over..... Just had, within 2 mins of each other , leaflets posted about bloody elections, I hate politics , the government is shit. So I grabbed them and threw them back out through the front door. I think its very rude to assume I want these , I felt the same about the kleenze catalogue, but as it was posted through my door I feel it was a gift and don't feel I should have to worry about putting it out to be collected no matter how many 'sorry we missed you' notes I get
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Oh hun, I feel so sorry for you. It doesn't make you feel any better watching everyone leaving tri 3 either, I'm still waiting on for you Hun. I really hope sweep goes well for you fx and sending you some hugs xxx
Oh hun, I can imagine you feel like you've been pregnant forever by now! Totally understand why you don't want an induction, I had a few natural contractions with my son before being induced and they are totally different and very painful (sorry lol I have low pain threshold though!) I have told them I'm not being induced this time if I go over, would rather have another section if a sweep fails!

Glad that they are keeping a close eye on you and hope that the sweep does something.

Get driving over some speed bumps lol

Hope LO makes an appearance soon xxx
oh babe, no1 thinks your a troll haha... i hope baby makes an apprance soon not only because im a nosey moo and cant wait to read all about it but you not be comfortable and wanting to see your little ray of sunshine....
Big hugs and hope it happens soon for you i have my fingers x'd xxx :hugs:
Thank all so much for your sympathy and well wishes, really means a lot cos it makes me feel sane again!! Feel like a monster sometimes!! Yeah I'd heard induced labours are longer and more painful!
Trust me you guys will know straight away if anything happens!! Xx
Hang on in there, lovely. Hope it happens soon x
Oh hon, it's so rubbish that nothing is happening. And you really don't need all the extra stress of others' banging on about your dates being wrong. Being overdue is stressful enough as it is!

I'm glad they're monitoring you well anyway. Hopefully if you have a sweep, you're so overdue that it'll all start quickly and you'll have your baby by the weekend. I'll keep everything crossed for you xxx
Oh hon, it's so rubbish that nothing is happening. And you really don't need all the extra stress of others' banging on about your dates being wrong. Being overdue is stressful enough as it is!

Exactly! Gaarrrrrrr!!
Thanks, I'm crossing everything too! ( except legs hehe )
ahh how frustrating hun, i'm getting fed up now at nearly 32 weeks so i dread to think how miffed you must feel! Really hope something kicks off soon for you, i'll keep everything crossed (even my legs...my LO needs to stay put a little while longer lol) :hugs: xx
Have you tried spicy curry , pineapple and sex ? seems to always work for me in the past had my last on her due day before lunch. Hope something happens real soon for you.xx
Yeah tried spicy stuff, walks and pineapple, but been told pineapples you'd need to eat like 7 and I cant haha

Sex we tried a few times, but I just feel so gross and heavy and fat or tired :-(
Well , his a stubborn lil' mite isn't he , I'm afraid you've made him to comfortable in there. Good luck hope something does do the trick for you soon. xx
i cant have pineapple in my house without oh eating the lot he has had a craving for pineapples for 2 weeks now its wierd lol but i heard going for a drive on a bumpy road helps and relaxing in a nice warm bath and its also a good excuse for some alone time before bubba arrives :)
Haha jilli at oh cravings!!! At least its healthy haha!! Sympathy cravings lol
Just took oh to work and was bumpy , there are holes in road after the weather, and felt some kicks but nout. Also taken pooches for a walk. I know this is a bit of a wierd question, and sorry if tmi, but with the bath, ours is quite small, and my legs are fat, so if I lie down, bump isn't covered and cos its narrow I have to sit a certain way to be able to open my legs, so I'd been wondering wether for the desired effect wether water needed to cover bump, or wether the point was water soaking into lady areas iykwim? X x

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