i am moving

Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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we have just been offered a council exchange. it is for another two bed but it is bigger. should take about 6 weeks.

not looking forward to the move, too much upheaval but i will be glad once i'm in. It means that Joshua will have to change schools, but it will be a drive to his new school. but it is just as good as the one he is in now.

plus joshua starts ballet lessons next saturday
Moves are stressful, but its a good move tho! :wink:

I think it's fantastic Josh is doing ballet lessons! Its good to see boys getting into it! (I done it up until 4 years ago!)xx
i love moving!! i've moved 14 times in the last 6 years and i wanna move again!!

i want a council exchange been lookin into it for a bit now, in two minds tho cos the kids are really really happy here, might have to stay.

good luck with the move davina :D
Good luck Davine, hope the move goes smoothly :D
weve got to get it all agreed with the council, but we are still staying in eastbourne, just moving to a different part.

i am really sad as i love our next door neighbour. he is 84 and his wife died just before we had liam. so i am sad to be going from him, but we will still come and see him. our new house has somewhere where we can put a table so that we can have dinner as a family. plus the main bedroom can be split to make two bedrooms, so kieran will have his own room.
good luck with the move!!!!! hope all goes well

we still need to move :x
how premature was madison, she is so gorgeous, just looked at piccies.

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