i am freezing :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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i no its cold outside like 15 degress but all windows are shut ive got jeans 2 pairs of socks on, a vest a thick hoody plus a double quilt round me and im still cold!!
would it seem silly to put the heating on? lol
manda xx
mine went on last night, and this morning when I walked out of my front door my toes nearly fell off! x
I am freesing too and my classroom is so cold :( with the windows shut

Every night I am sat at home with so many layers :(
I'll swap your freezing cold for my sticky muggy heat :shock: I've got the shutters closed, the aircon on and Im sitting in a tshirt and shorts...and I'm still sweating like a pig...
I had my heating on yesterday :D

Go for it girl if you feel you need it :D
thanks all have put it on hubby will be home soon no doubt he will be cold working outside all day.
ooo no i dont do heat either so you can keep your sun :D
manda xx
I love the cold! I love winter. Bring it on! :D
oo no not cold either i suffer in all weathers prefere to just lay in bed and atleast this winter i will have a great excuse to do it as il be keeping the babie warm :D
manda xx
i was about to say them same. Ive been freezing cold for about the last 6 weeks. Its starting to worry me now, some of you said you got hot and cold but i have got cold and stayed cold (i.e teeth chattering the lot) for weeks. My hands are like blocks of ice! Im not normally a cold person so do you think something could be wrong?
i wouldnt worry to much hun i normal have cold hands and feet but funnily enough they are the warmest bits of my body!!!
manda xx

heating on full blast...f.f..f...f freezing too....it is something to do with all our hear and energy going to the babe?x
i guess so, but i'm eagerly awaiting the warm hands and feet part that's promised!!
I have been freeeeezin too, I went to put the heating on this morning and low and behold it wouldn't work arrgh! So I phoned the council and asked them very nicely to come and have a look and a luvely guy turned up in 20 mins and fixed it so hey presto,toasty warm!
Well our boiler has broken and so we have no hot water and no heating however we are about to move and the buyers are planning to rip out our boiler anyway so there seems no point in paying a grand to have it fixed now! We have been boiling kettles for washing up, bathing Mel and cleaning for weeks- we have to go round my mother in laws for baths!

I am freezing though and have taken to taking a hot water bottle to bed!

aww rosebay :hug: :hug: Our boiler broke for 3 days a couple years ago and it was horrible, you forget how much you depend on hot water.

I've been freezing the last few days too, the weather has got colder though
I'' swap for this hot, stale, humidity for some lovely cold weather, just for a week, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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