I am bloody moving this year!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I've been in this flat for over 2 years now, actually it is 2 years ago yesterday we moved in! The area itself isn't exactly good but we haven't had much bother. Our neighbours on our floor are lovely people. However last year we finally got neighbours downstairs and they were inconsiderate prats!! They would play their rubbish rave music 24/7, argue at full volume and physically beat each other up on a daily basis. We ended up phoning the police on them 4 times during their 6 months here and the last time was the worst as the girl attacked the police! Now this happened the DAY I got home from the hospital with Aimee so I was all over the place. Thankfully they moved out or got kicked I don't know either way they are gone! :cheer:

However a week before Christmas someone set fire to the bin chute! The fire brigade was out and there was smoke IN our flat! We had just given Aimee her bath and was getting ready to feed her so it was panic stations. Thankfully the fire wasn't serious but our flat was smelling of smoke for 2 days afterwards. Then on Christmas Eve our street was taped off by the police! There was CSI's on the scene, a lot of them!! No one was allowed in the street or out of it. Last week the police came to the door asking if we'd heard or seen anything on the night, we had heard shouting outside about 7pm but in this area it is common so we didn't think too much about it but the officer told us that was when the incident occured. They wouldn't tell us anything expect it was a 'major incident'. They came back the next day for more information.

THEN yesterday I was taking Aimee out for a walk and what do I find right outside the flat entrance?! A flippin USED NEEDLE still intact!! There were smashed bottles of vodka and buckfast surrounding the area as well although this is pretty common but the needle gave me a fright. When I saw it my first thought was if Aimee tripped up outside our flats and landed in them! It made me feel sick so I've decided that I don't want Aimee growing up here. We aren't really wanting to leave as our landlord is lovely, he even sent us a present and card when Aimee was born and who knows what our next one will be like!! At the end of the day I don't want Aimee here anymore. We are going to be saving up for a deposit and we should be moving closer to my parents in the summer when our current lease runs out.

Sorry for the long rant! :(
God thats awful :hug: At least you can look forward to moving this summer :cheer: xx
jesus :shock:

at least ya get to move........somewhere new & safe :hug:
God yea bugger that for a laugh hun, talk to your landlord though often they have more than one place, maybe hes got a nice lil house somewhere he'll rent ya :) xx
That's terrible, but I do hope you find somewhere where you are happy for LO to grow up! :hug:

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